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Requested by 8bit-productions

"No wonder why your parents don't love a Monster like you!"

"Aww, is the pathetic nobody gonna cry?"

That's how your daily life as a now 15 year old girl goes since you were little. Every time you walk somewhere, there are your bullies waiting for you, ready to insult and beat you up, even your teachers and your parents won't treat you any different, you know that they don't love you, and they're not hiding it.

In fact, no one exists that cares about you or how you feel, so you hide your emotions and don't care about their words either, since you're used to it. Your having strong trust issues and fear of talking or getting touched by anyone, so you normally hide in the shadows and try your best to avoid

people. You don't speak much either when others are around you, but you let your emotions per singing out when you're completely alone, after another few years you've had enough of all and as your about to go to the cellar, a.k.a your 'room', where you sleep for years now and your parents giving you only foul food to eat

and let you only wear old lumps and sandals, your 'Mother' calls you to the kitchen. You think that she wants you to cook a meal for them and clean up the whole house again, but she hands you a letter instead. "Thank you ma'am, I'll go to my room now if you need me."

You then run into your room and lock the door, before you curiously open the letter. It's a letter from the mayor of Sodor, who friendly invites you to come to Sodor and live there. Your unsure of how you should respond, but then you think that it's the perfect upertunity for you to leave your terrible home behind and start a new life.

So you write a letter to him, telling him that you happily accept his offer. He then informs you on telephone that he'll send an tram engine named Toby to pick you up, which should arrive by your house after 4 days. You thank him again before you both hang up.

Meanwhile on Sodor...

The mayor makes a call to inform Sir Topham Hatt about the situation, he tells him about where you live and about your past, Sir Topham feels sorry for you and tells the mayor that he'll tell Toby to pick you up, but to hide your past from him, cause he's sure that you're telling him about it when you're ready.

Sir Topham then drives with his blue limousine near Henry's forest where his beloved tram engine with the number 7 lives, to give him the task. "Hello Toby, I need you and Henrietta to drive to (your hometown) to pick someone up and bring her to sodor." "Yes sir!" replies Toby with a smile, before driving to Henrietta and off they are to (your hometown).

4 days later...

You wait patiently at the port for Toby's arrival and eat the dry herb bread with bacon that your parents gave you. Of all the food they'd given you over the years, herb bread was your favorite food, but you didn't tell them so that you'll be able to continue eating it, then take a sip of the fresh apple juice.

It was the first time in your life to drink fresh apple juice, and it was amazing. You layed it back into the basket and enjoyed your first time outside. That's when you notice a box shaped shadow coming near you and hear a belle, you get quite scared cause you've never seen any engines before,

especially friendly ones. Your hometown only includes horrid lorries, which are the second worst thing after the always bad mooded and very rude townsfolk, so you also worry about Toby. You then remember about the mayor telling you that Toby had the number 7 and a bell, which made you realize that it's him.

Thomas the tank engine x reader One SHOTS (REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ