the highest score. he shows it to her, shaking the paper while his genuine smile pops up.

"hey, good job..." she friendly pats his shoulder with a genuine smile. "what is that on your face? you don't seem defeated enough! why so happy?!" he giggles.

"because i like you!" she says and the boy stares at her dumbfounded. did he hear right? his heart was pounding so crazily it might explode any time soon.

"w-what?" he stutters.

"i... i mean we are best friends. how could i... not like you dufus! i am happy for you!" she plays it cool like she doesnt feel embarrased right now.

"r-right..." he awkwardly smiles. after last night he thought they were on the same page. he thought she likes him more than a friend but here we go again.

he has no clue.

the teacher approaches yeri, looks at her with a dissapointing stare and gives her the paper - she chose not to say a word to her.

yeri freezes in her seat when she peeks at her paper. she almost chokes yet she decided to stay expressionless and hide all the embarrassment.

okay, if wonwoo finds out she wont stop messing with her... if her mom knows... she is probably going to sleep in the park next to her house tonight.


she is doomed.

"so how did you go?" wonwoo asked and the girl felt her cheeks getting red. how can she disappear?

"i..." she was peeking at the paper then him.

"what? its okay, we all took a b once in our life, dont feel bad!" he tried to reassure her yet it was far from working.

she wished it was a b she was seeing but that f was seriously hunting her at this point.

"why are you looking at me like that? a c?" he asks still not having trouble about her grade. its just a grade he was thinking all this time even though he teases her sometimes.

the girl felt trapped so she just got up holding her paper inside her two palms. "m-miss... may i go to the restrooms?" she faked a smile although she fell like crying.

wonwoo's eyes were immersed to her. he was genuinely worried about her weird attitude. he knew something was completely wrong.

"you may yeri, and when you are back i hope i see the girl i know! your grade was terrible and doesnt suit you at all!" that sentence made her way more embarrassed than any other time.

the piece of paper slowly decieved her hand, it doesnt matter anymore anyway cause now everyone knows she failed.

she walks outside of the classroom, leaving that paper behind. as soon as she leaves wonwoo grasps it and stares at er result.

the his eyes fall on the closed door.

should he go find her?

he felt bad...



yeri never returned to class that hour. she heard the sound of the bell from the rooftop.

she now after a solid amount of time, she decides to go downstairs and continue with her day all though tears were still on her eyes.

she was whipping them off from time to time yet they were still teary and glassy.
the hallways didnt seem to have wonwoo.

where is he?

she wanted to talk to her best friend after being quite rude to him. she didnt find him so her next move was to go to her locker and exchange some books for the next class.

she'll probably see him there she thought.

as soon as her locker falls open she freezes because of what she sees. on top of her book there is a failed attenpt of an origami. even though a tear falls she chuckles.

"you did it wrong idiot..." she whispers and grabs it. when she brings it closer she realizes she kinda knows this paper, so she opens it to realize it was the pop quiz she failed.

it also had a note by him in the bottom of the paper.

it doesnt matter, its just... paper

she giggles, feeling a little touch her friend is always so considerate. she needed to find him, now!

she needed him.

she needs him.


bonus scene:

while wonwoo was at school and sitting on the class waiting for yeri he decided to make an origami with her test after writting that note.

"dang it!" he is struggling so hard to do it correctly. obviously he sucks at it.

"um what are you doing?" mingyu spots himself amd tries not to laugh. "i am trying to do an origami, but i am fail-" he was about to say something but his own loud cough interrupted him.

"are you okay?"

"no, i think i am getting worse..." he realized and then his jaw almost dropped. "jeez i forgot about the promise..." he said, actually giving up with that failure of the origami.

"but i also need to find her!!!" he is talking to himself and gyu narrows his eyebrows. "i am struggling to get you lately!"

"i... i need to go, bye!" he grabs the origami with the one hand while holding the bag on the other.

"okay?" mingyu watches him disappear in thick smoke.

Origami - Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now