Opening up his heart.

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Ever since their first hangout. The trio and Cale became close, close to the point that Cale sees the trio as his Hyungs, and they became closer when Jung Soo invites Cale to hangout after school, which the latter accepts. The trio learns more and more about Cale, but sometimes whenever they ask about why he became "Trash", the redhead would stay silent and tries to change the subject. The trio wanted to know why, but decided against it, if Cale became "Trash" for personal reasons, then they'll wait for him to tell them. Once he's ready to talk about it.

So when Cale started causing trouble for days now, (Which the students and teacher find it normal and annoying, while the trio find it alarming) the trio became worried that the redhead would hurt himself. A week ago, the principal asked Cale to have a talk in his office, Rok Soo can't help but fret for the redhead. Once the redhead left, murmurs filled the classroom.

"There he goes, again."

"How many times has been called by the principal now?"

"A lot."

"Do you think the principal will expel him now?"

"I hope so! The sooner that damn trash is out of here, the better our lives will be!"

Kim Rok Soo hates this. How could they say that when they don't even know the REAL Cale Henituse? If anything, Cale is a good person and they failed to see that. Kim Rok Soo doesn't want to hear anymore of their gossip and tried to sleep it off, but hell, his classmates started making wild accusations of Cale. Something about, harassing girls, smoking and so on. Kim Rok Soo has never felt so disgusted in his life. It went on for hours until lunch came, everyone except Rok Soo, left to eat at the Cafeteria and at the same time, Cale got back. His face shows indifference but the ambivalence in his eyes says otherwise. Returning to his seat, the redhead slumped onto his desk, making a thud noise.

"...You okay?"

"What do you think, Hyung?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

Groaning, Cale sat up straight and faced the raven-haired teen.

"The usual happened, that's all."

'As if.'

Letting out a sigh. Kim Rok Soo placed his hand on Cale's shoulder making the redhead look at him with questioningly.

"Cale, I am your Hyung such as you are my Dongsaeng. And it's a Hyung's job to look after his troublesome Dongsaeng."
"So instead of hiding the problem and make it worse, it's better to let it out and talk to someone about it."

He felt the redhead flinch, but Rok Soo did not stop talking.

"You can rest whenever you're with Jung Soo, Soo Hyuk or me."

Rest. What Rok Soo meant is that. Cale doesn't need to hide his true feelings. Doesn't need to keep up the act. Doesn't need to hurt himself more. Cale can be his true self whenever he's with one of his Hyungs. Unknowingly, Cale felt a weight off his shoulders. Rok Soo is right, if the redhead is stressed or in a bad mood, he can just go to one of his Hyungs and let off some steam. Bottling up some emotions can only make one worse, and the best medicine for it is to let it out, furthermore, have someone you trust to listen to your problems.

The redhead unconsciously let a small smile form on his face.

"Thanks for comforting me, Hyung."

"I'm not comforting you though? I'm just stating the obvious thing you should do?"

'Dense bastard.'

Just then the door of their classroom was opened abruptly. It revealed two familiar teens.

"Hey! Rok Soo-ya! Cale-ya!"

"Hey Dongsaengs."

It was Jung Soo and Soo Hyuk. Seeing the two of them, Cale brightened while Rok Soo, the opposite. Seeing the raven-haired teen's look of annoyance, Soo Hyuk let out a playful exaggerated gasp then placed a hand on his chest.

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