Chapter 40: Humor and Heartache

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Amber watched the water flow past the ship from the poop deck. She never thought she'd ever sail on a ship, let alone actually be on the poop deck of one. She chuckled at her thoughts and sighed.

"What is so funny?" Halbarad asked, as he climbed up to where Aragorn captained the ship and the others milled about. There wasn't much to do with so many hands, even the ghostly ones, on deck. They had at least a day and a half journey up the river, before they needed to be ready for battle.

"I never thought I'd be on a poop deck, let alone a ship," Amber replied.

"Truly?" he asked curiously. "Your kind do not sail?"

"Well... I live in the middle of the continent and I'm content to not travel far. So, I have never been on a ship or boat of any kind... Other than a canoe or row boat. I have gone fishing on a lake," Amber answered.

"And that caught you as funny?" the man questioned.

"Despite my age, even though I'm sure I'm still years younger than you, I have immature thoughts sometimes. Like the child who laughs when dad or uncle fart. I was giggly at the thought that I'm standing on the POOP deck," Amber said, mirth still in her voice.

"Have we not told you, Halbarad. Lady Amber is the same creature that covered Lord Boromir with honey and feathers," Elrohir stated from where he stood with Legolas, whatever conversation they had dissipated in favor of this one.

"Ná. She is also the one that knocked Lord Glorfindel on his backside," Elladan added, chuckling. Amber was amazed she could tell the difference between the two still, but it was like her mind had registered the minute details of their mannerisms in her mind.

"You jest! This is the creature that Lord Glorfindel praises so highly?!" The man looked at her in awe. "My lady, I offer my service to you for that reason alone!"

"The lass has a champion in every place we have passed through. Do you think she needs another?" Gimli asked with a chuckle.

"I do not!" Amber said indignantly at the same time Halbarad asked "Truly?!"

"Oh, aye!" the dwarf confirmed.

"Lord Glorfindel in Rivendell. Lord Haldir in Lothlorien, I believe his brothers as well. Figueroa of Rohan, possibly the Lord Éomer. The Warg from Isengard. And Lord Boromir of Gondor," Aragorn listed off in a teasing manner.

"Hey! I won't deny Figueroa! But Éomer?!" Amber questioned. "I swear that man hates me!" Aragorn just looked at her with skepticism. Amber looked back with confusion.

"Well, she wouldn't be able to deny the young Rohan lad anyway. All of the Rohirrim heard the lad propose marriage," Gimli laughed. "And she shot him down."

"He's- What? Like ten?!" Amber argued. "If I took all marriage proposals seriously, I'd be married or at least betrothed to my 5 year old nephew. It's a childish infatuation and possibly hero worship. Geez Gimli, I'm not a cradle robber." They all laughed, good-naturedly at her predicament.

"I believe you are wrong about Lord Éomer," Legolas stated, catching her attention. "From what I could tell, the Man has a great deal of respect for you."

"Maybe," Amber permitted quietly. She stewed on it for a few moments. "I've always made fast friends and I care greatly for each and every one. At some point they grow to mean more, the more I talk to them and we do activities together... they become like family. I don't have a lot of that... The family I'm related to by blood has distanced themselves to almost strangers, because of them having some disagreement with the other. So, when I decide I want to befriend someone, I jump in with my whole heart, because I don't want to lose that connection. To me all of my friends and family are equal in my heart, to lose one would hurt just as painfully as the other." Amber took a deep breath to help her stave off the tears that gathered in her eyes.

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