Grief Orokabu Oneshot

Start from the beginning

It took a good while to go over everything which all the while Orochimaru was quiet as he listened only making a comment every now and then. What he didn't notice at the time was how Orochimaru was watching him but that was because he was focusing on the papers as to not get distracted. Being this close to his lord after pushing away was getting to him. He know he had to be careful. But once he finished he took a deep breath and looked over to his Lord only to accidently make eye contact. He felt entranced by those eyes as he waited for Orochimaru's next words. "I see, Well next time you are doing some of these experiments tell me so I know so we don't waste recourses.....When was the last time you left this lab to eat?" This caught him off guard as he blinked breaking eye contacted as he looked away from him as he thought about the answer. After several silent moments Orochimaru chuckled. "Too long it seems if you can't remember. What am I going to do with you? A medic who doesn't take care of himself will have trouble keeping up with what I need of him." This made Kabuto's face burn a little as this caught him even more off guard as he looked up to him. "I-I am sorry, M-my Lord." He say and Orochimaru placed a hand on his face gently before twirling a piece of Kabuto's bangs between his fingers before pulling his hand back all while Kabuto sat still as the moment happened. Only after it ended did he blink, it was quick enough he had to question if it had happened or if it had been a wishful thought. Orochimaru stood up though as if it hadn't happened and simple walked to the door. "I hope you are coming as it's time we both eat." He said right before opening the door which snapped Kabuto back into reality as he got up and quickly followed him.

After that Kabuto made sure to take care of himself and be more present properly as he buried his emotions deeper inside his heart. But despite that after moving from one hideout to another he found himself sighing as his mind reeled with thoughts of his Lord. He sighed sitting in his bedroom alone as he pulled his knees to his chest. "I will always give you everything I have but I just can't tell you this about myself. I don't want you to start looking to replace me if you don't like it or just toy with me." He said quietly to himself as he sighed deeply as he looked to his ceiling. "I want to be......more then just your prized medic....more then just your right hand..." He sighed to himself again. "Maybe these feelings are just a produce of my youth but....I my lord." He spoke softly into the void of his room admitting his feelings to himself for the first time. He accepted he felt like it and that maybe in doing so it would be easier to handle them. He laid back down and closed his eyes. "For now I will do my best to be useful and stay by you." he said to himself which helped him sleep as in that moment it felt as if a weight was lifted off him.

The next week felt easier now that he had admitted to himself what he felt. He was able to make snide remarks back to his master like normal. He for the most part stayed away from Sasuke not that he had a problem with him, he just couldn't care much about him. He was a means to an end, his Lord's next vessel. Though he did sometimes watch when Orochimaru was teaching him.

It was at dinner when he was asked to bring Orochimaru tea to his room after dinner was done. Kabuto didn't mind he just found it odd that he was asked to do this so late. But getting a tray ready he prepared everything before taking it into his hands and walking to his master's chambers. He held it in one hand so that he could knock only to be greeted with. "Kabuto just come in, no need to knock." Taking a deep breath he pushed the door open as he held the tray bringing it over to the desk he had in his room. "Do you need anything else, my Lord?" He said as he looked around for Orochimaru only for him to walk out of his bathroom, his hair wet as if he had come from bathing. This robe tied securely around his waist as he stepped out. "Yes Kabuto, sit. You will drink this tea with me. I want to talk." This had Kabuto's heart pounding in his chest as he took a deep breath and sit down with his master. He wondered what it was he could've want to talk about so late in more over when he was just out of bathing. It was taking all of his will to not let himself blush or get bashful. Kabuto would look at the tray as he prepared them both a cup of tea glad he was use to placing 2 or 3 cups on the tray each of different designs so his master had a choose what to drink from. When he started to pour the tea he spoke. "What do you want to speak about my lord?" his voice staying as it normally did as did his face. Orochimaru took a bit to respond. "I have noticed a change in you over the past months. You have changed since companying me closely." This made him blink. "What are you referring to Lord Orochimaru?" This is what sparked a smirk on his master's lips which he shifted slightly to keep his composure. "The small things, Maybe I am just noticing you growing older but I feel it's something else..." His eyes gazed at him as if to read what laid in his heart which he had accepted but didn't say. Kabuto opened his month to say something only to close it as he then cleared his throat as he broke eye contact. "I just am doing what you need me to do and that has changed in this timespan. You don't need me to spy but to be a medic that helps with your experiments and stays close. I have to make sure you and Sasuke are in good health as he is your next vessel." He said with a small shrug in his normal tone with a know it all grin on his face. This caused Orochimaru to chuckle "Oh Kabuto that's not what I am seeing. I am seeing the small changes in the way you handle our interactions. The small things that tell me that you maybe holding something in" Kabuto took a deep breath to keep himself calm as he place the tea pot down. He was starting to worry about where this was going. He couldn't let himself show it though.

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