Chapter 14: A Special Memory Made

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Flora is told to do errands for the corps. Picking up repaired swords, dropping off medicines and requested items around villages, etc. She dressed in her uniform and went to work after telling Kyo what she will be doing.

However, unbeknownst to her, that is exactly what the Flame Hashira wants. He got up as soon as she disappeared over the mountains and started preparing for their trip. His crow is sent to Tengen and Mitsuri to call for aid in his plans.

He dressed up and went to a village away from where Flora traveled towards. By the time he got there, the Love Hashira and Sound Hashira were already there.

"I can't believe you're about to do it!" She exclaimed clapping.

"I never thought I would see the day when my best friend would find love. It seems like yesterday when you are only focused on becoming a hashira and the people." The white haired male pretended to shed a tear.

Kyojuro's face turned pink, but he still smiled as he had the help of his friends to successfully pull this trip without a hitch. That includes the clothes, tents, food, equipment, bags, etc. The place itself is very convenient, because it's the closest to the forest Flora and him camped at for rehabilitation and a break. And if his memory served him right, he began to have feelings for the green eyed woman during their first camping trip. A immense milestone to be marked!

The trio began to shop like crazy, because they know the person in question is VERY good at their job. Therefore, it is wise to pick up the pace before they come home.

Time skip-->

They had set up the campsite in the forest by the shopping district. And shipped the clothing that closely resembles the clothes she trained with in the other world to their shared house. Food done and contained, fireplace sat up, blankets placed on the ground, etc. The place looks simple yet elegant.

Now it is only a matter of waiting for Flora to arrive and Rengoku being patient...

And the two hashiras that decided to send crows to absolutely every coworker and shinobi wives to come to a certain spot hidden near them.

An hour later at the crack of dawn, the maroon skinned woman came in the clothes her lover chose for her. A white tank top with black baggy pants.

"Kyo, there you are!" She said with a smile.

"My Sunflower! I hope your travel here isn't troublesome."
"Nope. In fact, it is more lulling compared to the routes I took for my commissions. A breath of fresh air if you ask me! Hmm... is this the surprise you mentioned you have for me?"
"Indeed! I want us to reminisce when I fell in love with you, but make it greater."

She tittered in joy as her body is pulled to his by the waist. He kissed her cheeks then her lips. Her mouth would not stop turning upward thanks to his assault of affection.

"Kyo, I didn't know you fell for me during our first camping."
"I didn't either until it was time for me to go. Even if my mind forgot about you, the rest of me didn't."

She kissed his jaw before ushering him to sit and enjoy their time together. They spoke about their day and took in the peace while stretching and training. Day turned into evening when they finally decided to spar. As Flora and Kyojuro stood on opposite sides of the grassy arena, deja vu of the last time they stared each other down entered their thoughts. However, Flora is the first to snap out of the daze and strike with a smirk.

He blocked her scythe and jumped back. He then ran towards her returning the smile before performing a series of swings. She dodged and attempted to parry only to be evaded each time. In the meantime, those that camped next to them heard of the commotion and came to watch the show.

The thrilling spar went on for almost a full hour until the former Flame Hashira decided to put his plan in action. He had let her pounce on him and claim victory.

"Well, that's one hell of a spar. Worked up an appetite," She sighed before getting up and dusting herself off.

She looked back up to see her boyfriend on one knee facing her with such seriousness. There, he pulled out a gold necklace with rubies embedded in each one. He would've got a ring for her, but he has a feeling she doesn't like rings very much since it would get in the way of her everyday routine. Her green eyes shrunk at him.

"Flora, you are an incredible woman. With every second of your attention and love, my heart and desires burns yearning for more of it. Your selflessness, kindness, modesty never cease to amaze me. Your smiles and eyes brighten the darkest of days in my life. There is so much more I love about you that if you were to ask me to name them all, it would take me my whole life. Therefore, would you do me the honors of marrying me so I can spend my whole life with you?"

Her words failed the woman, so she nodded through her tears and watery smile. Kyo's face broke out into a glistening smile with his teeth showing as he got up and went behind his now fiance to place the jewelry around her neck. Suddenly, a bunch of claps and yells erupted from the trees as all of the hashira came out them to congratulate them and celebrate the engagement.

It hasn't even been a whole day when the couple's friends discuss wedding plans. Within the peaceful chaos, Flora thought about her parents.

"Is something wrong, Sunflower?" Her fiance asked once he recognized her change in mood.

"It's just... I wish my parents are here to see me now and meet you. They would love you. Sure, my dad will urge you to take care of me or get your ass kicked, but regardless, they would love you. I know they have and will always look over upon the journey of our life, but it would be nice to have a sign of- huh?"

Immediately, a tepid gust of wind brushed past them and only them. No one else had felt it and stared bewildered as Flora and Kyojuro emitted a slight shiver with wide eyes scanning pass them. In the trees are three green ghostly figures. They recognized them.

'Mom, Dad, and Mrs. Rengoku?'
'Mr. and Mrs. Shizen and my mom?'

The two women waved and gave a thumbs up while the man stared directly at Kyo with a glare for a few seconds before nodding in approval. Then, they faded away within the dark forest. It may have been a short visit from the deceased, but it is enough to move them to tears.

"Why are you guys crying? Do you not like the idea of sesame ongiri?"
"Oh no. We love ongiri! I'm just so happy to have everyone's approval of us getting married."
"I agree, my Sunflower."

He kissed her cheek before laying his head on her shoulder and hugging her from behind.

Flora and Kyojuro are at ease, because they know as long as they have each other, their friends, family, and future surprises to look forward to, life is as perfect as can be.

The Foreign Guardianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें