Chapter 12: I Am What You Fear

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Castle Infinity Arc has officially begun, and Flora went into beast mode. She saved all the slayers, or give them the strength to end their own battles at the most. Kyojuro came to fight and guarded her much to her displeasure, because apparently, he wants to test the plot armor she gave him.

I'm just kidding. He wanted to protect his sunflower from being plucked out of his life even though he knows she can fight. Flora is a force to be reckoned with when protective, and focused.

As he climbed to the top gathering each hashira along the way, everyone is more than ready to get this shit over with before the Demon King's plan comes to fruition. In the meantime, Flora has a temporary meeting with with him.

She met the man himself sitting in the throne like a pompous fool.

Flora's POV-->

I am in front of the man who attempted to kill my parents. I don't care if he failed to do so; to even think of such an act against them is enough of a reason to go toe to toe with this guy.

"So you're here. That means everyone under me is dead. A shame."
"Call this a random guess, but you don't give a fuck about your subordinates, do you? I except such attitude from the same monster that drove my parents away from here twenty years ago."
"Now that you mentioned it, those eyes. You are the decendant of the Shizen family. The whole wrench in my operations along with the demon slayers."
"That's right. I'm the bill to the job you didn't finish, bitch. Time to pay up..." I growled readying my weapon.

However, in the midst of hasty movements is a plan that has to do with a sharpshooter and a demon girl should everything else fail.

Time skip/ Narrator's POV-->

Spoiler Alert: It did go wrong. While Flora did kick the living hell out of Muzan from the castle window, she sustained wounds that she doesn't want to waste time healing. She had a demon to hold back while her boyfriend guides the rest outside, so she pulled her trump card. Shizen checked to make sure no demon was around outside before jumping to the ground with the help of vines catching her. By the castle is a wisteria bush she grew, and in there safe and sound is Genya with the double barrel with bullets laced with Nezuko's blood in a box. It is like Nezuko's but with the top opening rather than the back. The said demon is in the tree tops safe and sound.

"Muzan is outside, you guys ready to bag the bitch?"
"You betcha! I just hope you know what you're doing."
"I do. You just pull your ends. Your shots and blood ability for my protection. Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can't run or defend."

He nodded and hurriedly retreated into the box to make it easier to pick up. She squatted and got up already feeling the weight on her back. Thanks to training and nature giving her strength, they don't feel as heavy.

'Make a trail that the hashiras and I can follow,' Flora silently ordered.

She controlled her breathing and sprinted with a smokey green trail as a guide. The gunner is surprised that the Nature Hashira meant what she said. She has a huge gash on her thigh and still can run. Genya dared said like a speeding bullet.

Meanwhile, the slayers gathered outside. Kyojuro called for his lover but was met with green mist.

"This necklace will help you find me in case I do something stupid. I'm entrusting you with what I see, Kyo!"

He cursed and told the others to follow him. Sanemi and Tengen questioned why, but for once, he is having none of it. Not when his Sunflower's life is at risk. With a glare aimed in their direction, they had shut the hell up right away. Like I said before, he is overall terrifying when angry.

The group followed his lead into a clearing that showed it's almost day. There they heard gunshots, and the Wind Hashira's blood ran cold. Only one person can wield a gun so loud.

"You insolent pests!"
"Now!" Flora shouted and smirked as Muzan was set ablaze in pink flames.

His screams were music to their ears until the blood burned out in the bullets. Even when bleeding out of her arm and her side, it is sweet sounds.

"You! You'll pay for that! No matter if you shoot me, poison me, or set me on fire, I can't die!"
"You're right, I can't kill you, but they can."

Right on cue and as planned, the hashiras are alive and well and ready to finish off the war. They surrounded him protecting Flora and Genya in the process. Flora glanced to where Nezuko is and tapped the hiding spot. Even if the little girl worried about adding anymore weight, she ran and hid in the box.

Rengoku had to be persuaded in order to fight along side his peers. To see her in that condition enraged him but didn't show it until the sweet, sweet vengeance showered upon him.

He went to walk back to Flora... but she was laying there. Due to blood loss, she is laying down while the demon girl and younger boy tried to make her stay awake.

"Flora! Hurry and send for the medics!" The flame hashira yelled.

He ran towards the trio and picked up the oldest of them along with the rest of the hashira. Flora still smiled at where the Demon King once was. Tengen and Nezuko tore some of their clothing to lessen the blood flowing out her body like a waterfall.

"Hehe, I would say a quote from Devil May Cry 3, but I don't think Vergil would appreciate i-," she coughed up some blood.

"Flora, you mustn't say anything! Just breath! You're going to be alright."
"Look at me, dummy. I'm dying. No breathing abilities I have can heal the user..."
"Don't talk like that! You... you have to live! You have plans for us, remember? Marriage, kids, little Floras and Kyojuro's running around? If you die... I know I won't be able to see that future with anyone else."

It broke her heart to see her friends and lover crying over her. Even Sanemi, which is definitely a first considering they have a frenemy relationship. Then she heard running.

"They are here, Sunflower! Keep breathing!"
"Tanjiro...The biwa... for your sister. I don't feel so good, Kyo."

Flora couldn't hear herself, but she knows she's about to pass out. She doesn't know whether or not she will open her eyes again to see her parents, or the family surrounding her poor body. With the last of her strength, she pulled her boyfriend into a weak but meaningful kiss and smiled. Then she passed out.

Tengen had to pull his friend away while the medic do their job carrying her to the Wisteria Mansion. Today is a glorious day, but at what cost?

The Foreign Guardianحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن