Chapter 13: Tough Skin

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Narrator's POV-->

"Shinobu-san, can't you tranquilize Rengoku-san so he can be quiet?"
"I can't do so two to three times in a row."
"Tomokia-san, knock him out!"
"I tried that twice."

Tengen-san sighed and tried to not focus on the constant footsteps. Flora hasn't woken up for two days. She is breathing, but Kyojuro feared she could be in a coma despite the diagnosis given. She just needed rest after a massive amount of energy is used healing her group and neglecting her wounds.

Today, however, is the best day ever. Her green leafy, eyes opened little by little taking in her surroundings while adjusting to the light. She groaned at the the pain in her hip, thigh, and arm. When attempting to sit up, a hiss broke out, but she did so nonetheless.

'You're alive! Truth be told, I thought your luck has ran out.'

'Shut up, Quakey! Now's not a good time! How are you doing, Flora?'
'Like I stayed up a whole week doing homework back to back. How long was I asleep?'
'Two days! You gave everyone, including your boyfriend, a heart attack!'
'Hah! Tell Kyo I had beat him by one day!' Flora thought with smirk.

However, the crows sitting on the end table are unamused and slightly concerned for their master's brain. They glanced at each other and back to the black woman.

'Let us get this straight. You sustained wounds that almost put you to death, worried everyone, and your reaction to all of that info... is to tell Rengoku-san that you had beat him by one day?!'

She nodded expectantly with her black hair following her movements. They sighed but obliged to her request nonetheless. Mina and Quakey took flight out the window and to the waiting room on the other side. When Kyojuro got the message, he is confused at first. Thanks to his memories, however, he figured it out. Flora, his love, is awake.

Instantly, the man hurried to her room and slammed the door open with the rest following. The woman smiled at everyone in the doorway.

"Kyo! You got my messa- oh my, didn't think you'd miss me that badly," she gasped as her lover jumped on the bed to cry on her shoulder along with Senjuro and a now human Nezuko.

She hugged and shushed them to her heart's content. They raised their heads and were graced with her kind smile and emerald eyes.

"Did you guys actually think I'm gonna die to a crossdressing Michael Jackson rip-off? Am I a joke to ya'll?"

Yep, she's definitely back.

Time skip/ Flora's POV-->

I am finally released from the mansion. With the help of Kyojuro and his little brother, I stayed in bed long enough to heal. When I got out, I was greeted with a welcome party in my estate.

That's right, the same estate that was in ruins. My friends fixed it for me while cleaning up the leftover demons. I didn't know Kyo told them about the condition of it. I also didn't know he moved in there and and moved my stuff so we can live together when I am finally released

He kept all of that a secret until the group decided to surprise me. For a loud hashira, he sure knows how to keep certain things under wraps. That's one of the many things I love about him. Kyo can surprise me at anytime.

It is morning time as of right now. I got up early to warm up some bento leftovers for breakfast. Minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from our bedroom making me slightly giggle.

"Babe, you're supposed to be asleep."
"I can't help it. I'm used to being beside you, Teddy Bear," I heard his deep voice in my ear.

His arms encircled my waist as he gave my cheek a kiss.

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