Java: well, you guys aren't going to be using lighters to make your fire, you will be using these boys from season one!

Java: well, you guys aren't going to be using lighters to make your fire, you will be using these boys from season one!

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Sky: the white and black rock from the tiebreaker when the teams couldn't decide on who to vote out?

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Sky: the white and black rock from the tiebreaker when the teams couldn't decide on who to vote out?

Java: yep, however, we have another one of those for the other team, whoever manages to make fire with those two rocks will win this part and will win a reward in the main challenge, so, here's all your rocks.

(*Java tosses the rocks to the teams and Tord catches his teams rocks and scout catches his teams rocks*)

Java: now, let the challenge begin!

Tord: but wait, we can't make fire without a firepit.

Java: oh yeah, forgot to mention, you guys have to make your own firepit with wood you find around this set, now, let the challenge actually begin!

(*a few minutes later*)

Scout: ok team, I got all our firewood!

Bob: good, now spread it out so we can begin!

(*scout throws the firewood down and spreads it all out*)

(*the other team does the same*)

Sniper: there's no time, we gotta hurry!

(*sniper snatches the rocks from sky and starts clanking them together*)

Tord: shit, we gotta hurry!

(*tord grabs the rocks and starts clanking them together*)

(*a few minutes later*)

Scout: sniper, come on, hurry up!

Sniper: I am trying scout jeez!

(*a blaze happens*)

(*sniper turns around in shock*)

Tord: I'm done, I made my teams fire first!

Java: well geometrical cubes, you lost this part but you can still win the elimination challenge, everyone, follow me.

(*after they all got to the other challenge*)

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