Chapter 6: Rowan Smith

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 I ran and ran, until finally I saw a small gap between two houses, the perfect hiding place. Something about it stirred up old memories, and instead of thinking them a fantasy, I wondered if maybe this spot was a part of my life before Father-no, that man-took me away. Tears ran down my face as I thought about all the things my 'father' had lied to me about. He wasn't even my father anymore! He had never been. I don't know what to call him, but the man who I thought was the paragon of honesty is the biggest (and only) liar I know.

 "Ain't it good to be on your own," I whisper to myself, my voice breaking. "Ain't it fun, you can't count on no one," I continue to sob shakily, but then go still as I hear a voice behind me say,

 "That's a double negative, that you can't count on no one, so technically, you can count on someone. Unless of course, you know someone named No One." I whirl around to find a pair of blue eyes staring into mine, framed by tawny hair. I didn't know why, but I immediately trusted that face. "Do you know anyone called No One?"

 Without considering it, I blurted, "I-I have a feeling....that I can trust you, but, do I know you? What's your name? And what are you doing here?" I whisper, a little afraid of this strange boy.

 He stands up, brushing off his jeans, and offers me a hand, "Samuel Thomas, at your service, but you, my lady, may call me Sammy." He exaggerated a fancy bow, a grin planted on his face, his blue eyes–seemingly exactly the shade of the Earth's oceans–twinkling. "I don't believe we know each other, but you do look. . .familiar. And about that last one, I don't know about you, but I live here," he points to the house on my left as he stares at me, a wide smile still remaining accented across his features.

 "Oh," I blush slightly, "Well, my name is Rowan, and, um, I'll just be on my way I guess..." I trail off, not really knowing where to go. I'm not sure I want to go home just yet, and face my fake father's wrath. Plus, I had a whole other life to learn about here

 "Wait," he snatches my arm, even though I haven't moved. He blushes, and quickly removes his tight grip before speaking, "Rowan? Rowan Izzabelle Smith? You're the lost girl?" He seems amazed, as if by lost he means dead, which I suppose, he did. It might have been the sparse outside lighting, but I could swear I saw teardrops gathering in his eyes.

 "I guess so, though up until five minutes ago I didn't know I was lost, I just thought I was a Lost." I chuckle, a little ruefully, as I think about all the lies I've been told. The boy, I mean, Samuel, looks confused, but simply shrugs, forcing back a smile.

 "You have to come meet my parents! And the village! Tell everyone you're alive! You can be reunited with your parents!" Sammy's face falls as he takes in my obvious discomfort at his idea.

 "Uhm, well, I don't really remember anyone. I was four, right? I always thought the old man was my father, and we were the only ones living on the moon, dark side or otherwise. . ." I try to explain, twisting my hair around my finger, practically cutting off the circulation.

 Samuel's face seems to drain of blood as gawks at me incredulously, "The dark side of the moon? An old man? You've been living out your life with the Old Man on the Moon? The child eating monster? The myth they tell small children to stop them wandering? The legend from the beginning of time? He stole you?" His voice has heated up so much that he's practically shouting near the end, and I cringe away from him.

 "He doesn't eat children!" I protest fiercely, no longer caring Father and I were in an argument momentarily. "And I don't think he captured me! He may have lied to me about me being his daughter, but he'd never willingly hurt another soul! Maybe, that's why he lied, he didn't want to hurt me. What do you think of that, huh, Samuel Thomas?" He goggles at me, the psycho girl who marched into his life just to yell at him.

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