Rosalie raised an eyebrow at him. "I can say the same to you." She was breaking no law. He came over to her. "How are you feeling?"

Damon raised an eyebrow at the girl. "Fine." Since when was asking how he was a question. She shot him a look. "Like shit." He chuckled, looking down at his fingers.


"What is this a free therapy session." Damon snapped.

Rosalie tilted her head at him, ignoring the snap hearing the way his heart rissed when she asked those questions.

"I could always charge you." She said him.

Damon looked up at her as he slouched in his seat. "Fine. I feel like shit, because I have a big game coming up and everyone is fucking relaying on me."

He didn't like the fact that he was openly telling her this, the fact that he seemed to spill out his secrets around her. Open himself up to her, as if her were a book.

He hated it.

They sat there a moment after Damon had confessed.

Before he watched Rosalie get up from her seat. "Come on." Rosalie said as she held her hand out for him.

He placed his hand in her standing up, allowing her to drag him out of the school doors. He didn't question where she was leading him. He just got in her car.

"Can I know we're we are going?" Damon questioned as he watched Rosalie start the car.

He tapped his fingers along his leg as he watched her pull out the car park effortlessly. He liked the way her hand curled around the wheel up at the top as her other hand stayed on the gearstick.

"No. Shut up." She said, glancing at him at the stop light to see him staring at her with a smile on his face. "What?"

Damon kept the smile on his face, shaking his head. "Nothing."

He turned so he was looking out the window, keeping the smile on uis face as he watched the trees go by. He texted Hardin and Bella, telling them he left school.

The car ride was silent, the occasional glances being thrown at each other.

Damon decided not to touch the radio in Rosalie's car, seeing as when he went to, he got a slap to the hand.

He found himself sitting back in his seat as he waited for her to reach the destination. There were moments when he found himself stuck staring at her side profile.

The way her jawline was well defined, he saw the way her cheeks held slight makeup on them, along with red lipstick on her lips.

He saw the cute brown little mole above her lip.

It's cute.

"Come on." Rosalie snapped him out his thoughts.

Damon got out following her, into the woods. She had driven him to the woods. Oh Damon was going to die.

There was no way he was coming out these woods alive.

Rosalie led him towards a higher up hill, it was at the edge of a border that separated where he stood to the Res.

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