"Well you may be mad at me."

"What did you do Sir?" 

"I might have called in for the day, neither of us are going to work today."  I looked at him.

"That's it?"


"I thought..."

"What, that the condom broke or something?"  He chuckled.  I slapped his chest playfully.

"Not funny Roy.  Don't scare me like that."

I told him, as I sat up more to lean against the head bored.  He sat up and moved, doing the same, but wrapping his left arm around me as I leaned into his side.  My head rested on his shoulder.  As our fingers intertwined with one another.  I smiled and snuggled closer into him. 

"So last night..."  He trailed off. 

"Was amazing."  I looked up at him.  He was smiled at me, and I could see it in his soul. 

"I love you, Riza Hawkeye."

"And I love you, Roy Mustang."  I pecked his lips, and then stood while wrapping one of the sheets from the bed around me.  I winced as I stood and walked to the bathroom.  I went to the restroom, and then brushed my teeth.  I turned the water on for me to take a shower.  As I was stepping in I hear the bathroom door open.  I shrugged and began to wash my hair.  I then felt two arms around me as I rinsed out the soap from my hair.  I looked to see Roy standing in front of me.  "Who said you could join me?"  I asked.

"I thought it was an open invitation."  I giggled, actually giggled like a little school girl, which caused Roy to chuckle at me.  He began to grab the body wash, and we helped each other get cleaned.  Roy was so sweet, asking me if I was okay every time I winced from being sore. 

Once we were done in the shower we walked out of the bathroom and I went to my closet to get dressed.  I finished getting dressed, and when I walked out Roy wasn't in the bedroom.  I walked to the kitchen and saw him making breakfast.  I raised an eyebrow at him and walked to him.  I wrapped my arms around him, and he placed a hand over my arms for a moment before continuing what he was doing.  For breakfast, omelets yummy.  I left him alone so that he could cook without me hanging on him.  He wore his boxers and his dress pants from last night, while here I am in all clean cloths, sweat pants and a white t-shirt that hung loosely on my frame.   He finished cooking and placed breakfast on the tbale.  He sat at the table to eat and I thanked him for cooking. 

I don't know what made me say this, but it sort of came out.  "I am guessing I am the only one to have this."  I told him, motioning towards breakfast the morning after. 

"I am usually out the door once they fall asleep."  He said plainly.  He looked up to meet my eyes.  I felt sorry for all of those women, but I hope he doesn't leave me.  I trusted him with....  He reached across the table and took my hand in his.  "I am not leaving you, period."  I smiled slightly at him and continued to eat.

"Soo, um, how was... I mean I..."  I sighed and looked down.  I don't know how to do this, and something tells me he doesn't either, but he is trying.  For me he is trying.

"You, are beautiful, and amazing woman Riza."  He did most of everything last night, and it made me feel a bit bad about it.  I wonder if he does all of the work when he was with those other women?  "Stop thinking about it Riza."

"It's a bit hard not to."

He sighed.  "Riza stop worrying, you and I."  He motioned to the both of us before continuing.  "You, make me want to be a better man, and if that means doing things I wouldn't normally do, then so be it.  Besides I sort of like this, eating with you.  Waking up to you this morning has been the best morning in my life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything, do you understand.  You have me, and you're stuck with me."

"Good, because as of last night, you are officially stuck with me."  I said with a matter of fact tone.


"Good."  I started to giggle again, because we were acting like children now.  He smirked, and for the rest of the day it was just the two of us.  Laughing, smiling, playing around *wink, wink*, and talking about everything and anything as long as it wasn't work. 


So what do you think?  How did you like Mustang's POV?

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