Sixteen || Lego

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-Art by sebin_13 on Twitter-

A sigh left my lips as I joined the two blocks together. Glancing at the instructions on the floor next to me, I added another block on top of the one I just made. 

I was deep in concentration when a little "Bonito flakes." Croaked out from below.

The words made me move my arms so that I could have a clear view of the boy lying in my lap. Toge stared at me with irritation. "Be quiet. I'm playing Lego." I hushed him like an owner would hush a pet.

Toge just huffed again, clearly annoyed by the lack of attention he was getting and I simply couldn't ignore the grumpy glint in his eyes. I leaned down and planted a quick kiss on his forehead. That gesture alone was enough to brighten his mood entirely as he immediately basked in the affection with a giggle.

With Toge having gotten what he wanted, he went back to silently dozing off in my lap as I played with his Lego set.

Two weeks had passed since we got together but I was still rather bashful about it; as opposed to the boy himself who ended up spilling it to everyone immediately. For someone who couldn't even talk properly, Toge was a surprisingly big blabbermouth.

To his credit, nobody was particularly shocked by the news. In fact, it turned out the first years even made a bet about it which resulted in Megumi and Yuji instantly handing money to a smug Nobara the second they found out. On a plus side, Maki and Yuta kept their ends of the deals and bought us the toys they agreed on, with the latter transferring the money to Toge since he was still abroad. But it didn't take everyone long to realise how bad of an idea that was.

Because if Toge and I were bad before we were dating, boy they sure had it coming.

Whatever silly little shenanigans we were up to before had doubled. We would do random chaotic things out of nowhere.

For example, if we earned ten yen for every time we pissed off Megumi by shooting him with the Nerf gun, we would be able to pay back all the taxes Gojo had been evading. That was until a couple of days ago when he got so sick of our silly game that he used his shikigami dog to snatch the toy gun from us and break it in two. Trolling the other two first years were a lot more fun because unlike Megumi, Yuji would just laugh it off whenever we filled his dorm room up with hundreds of balloons and Nobara was practically used to it when we stole clothes from her closet to wear to our fake catwalks.

It wasn't just our pranks that increased tenfold but our inability to be away from each other too. Toge and I were always glued to the hip but now that we were a couple we were practically inseparable. Well, that clingy tendency resonated more within Toge than myself. 

There was one time where we went to the sushi place and I ended up sitting between Maki and the wall. Instead of just taking any other seat around the table like a normal person, Toge straight up shoved Maki off the chair and took her place. Sure, she beat the hell out of him for that but he looked like he didn't regret it one bit. Believe me when I say there's a lot more examples where that came from.

But annoying the others was just a part-time job for us since our main priority was annoying each other. It was the good kind of annoying, though.

Toge took a lot of photos of me but not in the sweet photographer boyfriend way like most people would think. He would take pictures of me in the middle of eating or fast asleep while drooling and then have the audacity would post them on his social media with the caption 'This you?'. I would always get back at him by posting photos of him being sent flying by Panda during training, all of them being super blurry and unflattering.

On a sweeter note, something he picked up since we got together was writing me lots of letters and notes. At the most random times he would give me a small piece of paper with a message for me written on them, some being sassy and some being cute. At first he hid them in my bag or uniform pocket but after a while I started holding out my hand for the notes whenever I saw him. It was most common when we were passing each other in the hallway, he would slap a note into my hand. People who saw just thought we were really into high-fives. Yuji and Panda eventually got jealous and started requesting high-fives as well. 

Now that I really thought about all those moments, it dawned on me that nothing was even all that different from before we were dating. We were still a pair of chaotic menaces. We had been since we first met as well. I honestly didn't know how I never realised sooner that I was in love with him. 

With that thought, I took my attention away from the instruction manual for the Legos I was playing with and instead glanced at the boy in my lap.

Toge's eyes were shut as his chest fell and rose with light breaths. He had fallen asleep.

I couldn't help but break out into a stupid grin as I observed the way he lay so still like a star in the night sky. 

Without making too much noise or movement so not to wake him, I carefully put the Lego away before lifting the boy, one hand under his knees and the other on his upper back. When I laid him on his bed, I climbed in soon after. 

It was Toge's room we were originally in but I had spent so much time there it had basically become my room too. The same went for the bed- We slept together so much that the smell of his covers were more natural to me than the scent of my own bed sheets.

The majority of the nights I spent in his room were because of him in the first place; if I were to fall asleep somewhere, he would always carry me back to his bed just like I had done now to him. Even on the nights when I was awake and ready to return to my own room, he would beg me to stay. And I would fold. Every. Single. Time. 

Of all the lovely things that came with dating Toge, being under his covers with him while we slept was definitely the best. There was no greater feeling than having my arms wrapped around him as the darkness of the room engulfed us into its warm embrace. 

Occasionally he would draw little circles onto my back to help me sleep faster or play with my hair. Little innocent gestures that would help me fall asleep just a little bit quicker. Although, sometimes his late-night actions were the complete opposite of innocent. But that's a different side to Toge that makes me go shy every time I remember. 

Regardless, it was a side to him that I loved in the same way I loved every part of him. And as I watched him sleep so peacefully next to me I knew that I would love the boy for the rest of my life.


Literally just a whole chapter of me waffling lmao I just really wanted to write a couple of paragraphs about him without writing detailed scenes about each instance if that makes sense. A lot of these headcanons were inspired by ones I've seen on tumblr in case anyone did notice some similarities.

Also saw another headcanon abt how Yuta never manages to open a door the right way. Like its either push or pull and hes the guy who always gets it wrong and he'll do that embarrassing little stumble backwards when he pulls a door you're supposed to push AND I CAN IMAGINE IT SO WELL HES SUCH A DORK I HATE HIM EW 😭❤❤

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