One || Orange Soda

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[The reader's cursed technique will be explained more thoroughly in a note at the end of the chapter.]

An uncomfortable eeriness disturbed the tranquility of the barren classroom. There were four desks aligned horizontally, each belonging to a student who was as unique as the next. I, who sat at one end of the row and closest to the window, glanced at the others to make sure they were just as unamused as me while the blindfolded man who stood before us continued to spout his usual nonsense. 

"Time to introduce the new transfer student, everyone get fired up!" He shouted obnoxiously. He tried again pathetically in hopes of getting us to show some sort of excitement, "Come on now!"

The grumpy girl who sat in one of the middle seats let out a sigh as she rested her head on her hand. "He seems pretty moody, doesn't he? Sorry but no way I'm getting fired up for a guy like that." Her words were cold and harsh, leaving the white-haired teacher perplexed.

The mysterious boy to her left let out a small "Salmon." of agreement while me and the last person- or panda- remained quiet. However, unlike the uptight classmates of mine, I wasn't so judgmental. The reason for my silence wasn't because I was planning on shunning the new boy who I had heard so much about, but instead because I was tired and wanted nothing more than to fuse with my bed and hibernate for the next three days.

"Well... whatever." Sighed Gojo, the man who wore the white blindfolds, before calling towards the closed door, welcoming in the teenager who stood behind it.

Another yawn escaped my lips as the classroom doors slid open but the second I felt it, I froze. As a tall, lanky boy with dark eye bags took his first steps into the room, he also brought in the heavy negative aura he was surrounded by. It was a curse. A nasty one at that. 

Within that millisecond, all my fatigue vanished and before I knew it I was crouched in front of the boy with all my senses heightened and each one of my hairs standing on edge. Electricity bounced through my tense limbs, ready to attack. 

The other three appeared behind me only a second later. The panda also had his knuckle dusters on, the silver haired boy clutched his scarf in preparation to pull it down if needed and the girl with the round glasses was pointing her polearm into the blackboard behind the terrified young man. 

The girl furrowed her eyebrows at the cursed boy, telling him the school was for studying curses and not a place where he was supposed to be. Gojo relaxed against the wall as he took over and continued to explain to the anxious boy, "Here we study curses and exorcise them. This is a metropolitan magic technical school."

However the boy only narrowed his trembling eyes in fear at his words. It was clear he never got a proper explanation about the place, making me cringe at Gojo's incompetence. "Ah, you should probably get away from him." He then said all of a sudden.

I didn't understand what he meant until I turned back to the timid boy to notice two large inhumane hands reaching out from behind him. "Don't you dare bully Yuta!" It let out a harrowing scream all the while the boy tried to hold it back.

Not even a minute had passed when the whole classroom had been turned upside down and the four of us took a rough beating from the boy's curse. 

Gojo gestured to him cheerfully as we stood together in pain, "Okkotsuu Yuta, everyone! Please make him feel welcomed! If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse may or may not activate. So everyone be careful!" He turned to Yuta and began introducing each of us. 

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