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"All right, folks, next on the agenda, we should talk about the dishwasher."

It was after closing a few days later, and Jennie surveyed the attentive faces of her three employees. It was their once a month staff meeting and they sat around a table in the center of the bakeshop munching on the pizza Jennie had ordered in keeping with staff meeting tradition.

"It's been pretty hit and miss lately, so if you're closing, it falls to you to take care of the remaining dishes."

Dara sat forward. "I've found that if you kick it real hard on the bottom, it gets going pretty good."

Nayeon nodded and popped a pepperoni in her mouth. "I slam my hand down real good on the top portion. Like I'm squashing a bug or something terribly upsetting. That also seems to get it started."

Jennie grinned at the description. "Well, we shouldn't have to beat the hell out of it for too much longer. I've scheduled RM to come out and take a look. Hopefully, it won't cost too much to fix, but I'll need to get an estimate."

Kai raised his hand. "I could take a look at it."

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Please. What do you know about fixing anything? From what I've seen, you just break stuff. Broke two dishes just this week."

He glared at her. "Excuse me, princess high horse, but why don't you take a step back and worry about things in Hee-Haw while I try and save this place a few extra bucks."

Nayeon took a deep breath, but before she could wind up for round two, Jennie stepped in.

"Whoa, whoa, I think we're getting off track. Kai, that would be great. Thank you. Nayeon, it can't hurt to let him take a look. You never know."

She shrugged in punctuation just as the bell above the door chimed. They all turned in unison in time for Lisa to appear.

"Oh, sorry, guys. Didn't mean to interrupt. I was just stopping by to see if Jennie was free."

She was wearing workout clothes and looked like she'd come from a run. Her hair fell on her back as if she'd just taken it down from a ponytail.

Then there was that just-exercised glow about her that only added to that ultra beautiful thing she always seemed to have going. Catching herself, Jennie jerked her eyes back to Lisa's face after they had absent-mindedly trailed down her body.

Too late. Lisa's doe eyes widened in recognition of what she'd just done, and a slow smile took shape on her face.

Jennie sighed internally. "Actually, we're in the middle of a staff meeting," she said.

"I like staff meetings." Lisa countered.

"Well, you're in luck then," Nayeon chimed in with way too much excitement. "Sit here with us, hot stuff. We'll be done in just a bit."

Kai pulled out the chair next to him and Dara grinned up at Lisa adoringly.

Jennie wasn't having it. No way.

"Lisa, maybe I can call you later? I'm sure you have a million things to do."

Lisa ignored the hint and smiled that devastating smile. The power it carried annoyed her. "I really don't mind waiting if none of you mind."

Dara stood. "Absolutely not. How about a brownie, Lisa? They're fresh from the oven just thirty minutes ago, laced with caramel too."

"Oh. I guess if it's no trouble. That sounds fantastic. I'm a total caramel fan."

"No trouble. Oh, and there's milk," Nayeon said, hopping up to get it.

Jennie shook her head slightly, but swallowed the frustrated comment on the tip of her tongue.

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