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"I don't care what the stupid doctor says; I don't want that flavorless stuff masquerading as food in the dining hall."

Jaehee Kim stared hard at Jennie, his arms folded across his chest in a manner suggesting he wasn't going to budge. Her father was generally a pretty easygoing guy, but the stricter diet his doctor had him on was beginning to wear thin, as was his patience.

"So what exactly are you planning to eat instead?"

It was close to lunchtime and she'd set aside time for them to eat together on her short break.

"I've ordered a pizza. It should be here any minute."

She sighed. "A pizza? Dad, that's hardly within the realm of the list of foods your cardiologist outlined for us."

Maybe it was the worried expression on her face, or the fragile tone of her voice, but in that moment, he seemed to soften considerably. In fact, he even looked a little sad, which broke her heart for a whole separate reason.

"I'll just have one slice then. And maybe a little salad and fruit from the dining room."

He was trying to make her happy, even in the midst of his frustration. Jennie met his eyes and took in his labored breathing. It seemed worse today.

"I guess one piece wouldn't hurt. Maybe some rest after that though, don't you think?"

He nodded quietly, resolute now. "Maybe so."

In attempt to elevate the mood, she changed the subject. "So I think you're going to be proud of me. Or at least, I'm hoping so."

He eyed her suspiciously. "Explain yourself, child of mine."

"Well, you know how you always taught me to never give up when it came to generating new recipes? Keep those creative fires burning. Give up sleep if you have to."

That earned a partial smile. "Of course I remember. Never stop working at it, until it's just right. That's our motto."

"Exactly. Well, I did a little of that. I listened to your advice and it took a little time, but I came up with this."

From her bag on the floor, she produced the small pink box. "Try one of these."

He gently tore the ribbon and took a small bite of the truffle. She waited, almost ready to come out of her skin in anticipation of what he might say.

"So? What's the verdict?" She asked nervously.

Her heart was racing now because his opinion mattered to her more than anyone else's. It just did. He wasn't just her father, he was her mentor. He taught her everything she knew, and if he was underwhelmed, it was probable that she'd missed the mark she thought she'd hit and... well, that would be quite a blow.

"You're not saying anything. Why aren't you saying anything? Be honest with me. I can take it."

He took another excruciating moment. "I'm just trying to figure out how to explain to you that this is probably the best piece of chocolate I've ever tasted."

The smile that slipped onto her face started slowly and took a minute to get going. "Really? You're not just trying to be the supportive father, because I could handle it if you were. You can just admit you're being supportive and then tell me if something's missing or too overpowering or-"

"Haven't I always told it to you like it is?"

He had. Always. She blinked.


"And this is what it is. You've got something great here. I assume you're going to roll these out at the shop?"

"I'd like to. The plan is to have several different flavor varieties, but this one would be our signature."

Loved You First (Jenlisa) COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें