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! The "I have liked you ever since" dialogue Vance tells Bruce is exactly the same as it was in the last part so feel free to skip it. !

Bruce's POV:

"Uhm you know.." Vance is stuttering and fidgeting with his rings. Is it really that bad? What does he have to say to me? I would just like to know without Vance feeling bad about it.
"I don't haha." I chuckle at him trying to relieve the tension.
I really don't know what he has to say but I'm a little scared. I don't want him to not be friends with me? And what If that's actually what he wants to do?

Not be friends with me anymore and just leave me behind with basically no friends anymore and in a hospital too. I'll end up crying a river.

My hopeless thoughts end as I hear Vance speak up again.
"Well I just wanted to tell you that uhm..

I Love You.."

He says looking deeply into my eyes with what looks like hope.
What? When? Actually? Where? What?
These questions float in my head the time he said that. Did he actually mean it? What is happening right now? I mean I'm not mad cause I think I love him too. But it's just all of a sudden..

I quickly trance back to what he's saying again.

"I have liked you ever since the day you helped me after the fight and I saw this side to myself that I've never have experienced. I have such a big soft side to you and only you. And I cant even fully explain the feelings I get when I'm with you or even see you. I just want to be with you so much and call you various pet names and I even hate doing that but you make me feel so amazing like I can do anything. You make me so so happy and even with the little time we've spent together I can fully and truly say that I Love You.."

Oh my god..

Did he just confess to me?? Is he being for real or am I just being tricked? I have no words. The reason why I'm looking straight at him with my eyes as big as the moon.

"Vance.. Wow. Just.. I don't even know what to say-" "You don't have to do anything! If you don't like then just tell me and I'll go." He cuts me off with a serious but not so serious tone.
"Come here. Vancey." I tell him just wanting to tease him. He actually comes to me not even bothered that I called him that. Very very surprising.

He sits on the side of my greysh blue hospital bed and looks down at me. I sit up slowly. Closer to him. I put his golden brown curly hair behind his ear and then cup his cheek with my hand. I pull his face closer and

kiss him.

We kiss for a few magical seconds and pull away from each other. I look Vance into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

"I Love you too."

We just stare each other for a few seconds and he starts giggling that lead me giggling too. I fall into Vances muscular arms and rest my head there.

Vance's POV:

Bruce is slowly putting my messy hair behind my ear. Butterflies in my stomach were having a full on fucking dance party at this point.
He cups my cheek and kisses me.

Oh my shit.
Bruce. Fucking. Yamada. Just. Kissed. Me.

The moment he kissed me I felt as if I was in the right place. Where I had to be all along. With him. In his arms. That is the right place to be for me. God, he's so hot.

"I Love you too."
He tells me after we finished kissing passionately. We glare at each other for hardly any seconds and start giggling. Bruce falls into my arms and rests his head there.

We stay like that for a moment until we hear the door being opened. We both flich instantly and get away from each other.

"Well what happened here?" Bruce's mum looks at us while smirking with her hands on her hips firmly. Before we could even say anything she already started speaking. "I knew you guys were right for each other."
"What? Mum., where do you get this? You have barely seen us together?" Bruce asks his mum confused, and he ofcourse didn't know about the elevator conversation me and his mum had. So he must have been quite a bit confused. "I just know. I'm good at this." His mum answered anyways. "Uhm okay.." was Bruce's response.

787 Words

Thank you guys so so much for all the support you have through out given me but I think this story is going to end here because I'm obviously not very motivated to post as you could probably tell. But it was fun you know. Bye for now but I'll probably sometime come back.
Lots of Love and Health to you!💗💗💗

Kind of a Pretty Boy isn't he? 💌Brance💌Where stories live. Discover now