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Bruce's POV:

I got really startled by he's yelling so without thinking I put my hand on his thigh very slightly gripping it and strongly closed my eyes. He puts his hand on mine.
"Shh, I'm so sorry.." Vance says quietly. I immediately soften my grip and then slowly take my hand off his thigh. "I'm sorry you just kinda startled me by the yelling." I say to Vance as I'm looking up at him.
I look at his eyes, his gorgeous ocean blue eyes, he's looking at me I can somehow see that he's a little hurt from that I got startled, probably cause he didn't want to scare me. "Its okay though." I thought I was being weird so I looked down at the floor that has white tiling and I even noticed a little crack in one of the tiles.

"All done, hope you feel great." I say smiling subtly and slowly looking up at him again. "Thanks, I feel better then ever." Vance thanks me as he chuckles. He's laught is the most beautiful ever, it's so, so- just wow:).

Vance's POV:

"Thanks, I feel better then ever." I say as I laught a little. Although I felt a bit hurt what he said and did and cause I knew it was my fault but I still can't help to replay the eye contact we made earlier in my head. He's eyes are so majestic I can't even explain, they're such a pretty dark brown color and I could look at them all day, but you know he's just a friend so I'll try not being too weird haha.

"Okay, but I guess I'll get going it's getting dark already." I say to Bruce. "Yeah of course. Would you want a snack to go?" He asks me. "No I live like 5-6 minutes to walk from here but thanks." I answer him as I'm smiling.
"Could I maybe come walk with you, if that's okay?"
I instantly froze in place. Bruce Yamda himself wanted to walk me home. After a few seconds I finally get the courage to answer. "Mhm, definitely." Was all that I could say at the moment as i was still shocked by he's question.

Bruce's POV:

I can't even believe I asked that, not in like a bad way or anything but I guess I was just too nervous and it accidentally slipped out.

We walk to my bedroom and I open the door. "Oh and by the way I apologise for the mess my room is in, I haven't had the time to clean it yet." I say to him as he's getting his stuff to go home. "Nah bro it's totally fine, to be honest my rooms worst." Answers me and we both softly laught at that.

As Vance has gathered his things we started to walk down the stairs. My home stairs have pictures on the greyish wall, at the bottom there are baby pictures and as it goes up we have me bigger already. Its kind of embarrassing but oh well. I'm walking in front of him. We get down and I start to walk to the coat hanger beside the door so I could get my coat. Halfway there I notice my mum in the living room.

"Hi darling, where are you headed? It's pretty dark outside already." Bruce's mum questions. "I'm just going to walk Vance home, he lives only like 6 minutes from here." "Hello Mrs. Yamada, it's nice to meet you. Sorry that the first time we meet I look like this." Vance greets my mother. "Thank you Darling and it's okay, I hope you get better soon. Please make sure Bruce doesn't do anything stupid." "Muummm" I whine but suddenly Vance takes my coat, opens the door, slightly pushes me through. "I'll make sure of that Mrs. Yamada." He laughs and closes the door.

We're outside now. We start slowly walking to Vance's house. I stumble on a little rock. "You okay sunshine?" He asks me mockingly. "Yes, I'm fine." I answer firmly. "What? A bit of a cloudy day huh?" He laughs. It's actually really cute.

A minute or two go by I somehow AgAiN stumble it's like the world hates me right now but this time I actually start to fall on concrete until he catches me, Vance. "Are you now actually fine?" He asks cutely. I have butterflies in my stomach by the way Vance caught me. "Oh uh yeah. Thank you." I say as I'm blushing cause Vance is still holding my waist. I look at his hands and we then make eye contact, the butterflies come back.

Vance's POV:

I make eye contact with Bruce and I remember that my hands are still on his waist. I instantly take my hands off, I didn't really want to but I had to. "I'm glad you're okay." Bruce nods. For the rest of the walk we stay quiet, it was not awkward, kind of nice actually. We just enjoyed each other's company in silence.

"This is my home right there." As I'm pointing at a crusty-yellow two story house that has a porch and beautiful wooden balcony. "Will your parents be okay with getting home late?" He asks a little worried. "I actually live alone, so no worries." "Oh., sorry." We start walking left from the street in my garden until we are on my porch and reach near the brown wooden door."I can someday explain but not tonight cause it's dark already" I slowly open the door. "Mhm okay" Bruce is so nice and understanding.

"Bye-Bye Sunshine, get home safe okay?;)" I wink at him haha. "See you later Vancey." Bruce says back at me mockingly. I instantly smile. I wave him goodbye and close the door. I go up the stairs and lay on my bed, soon I feel myself falling asleep while thinking about Bruce.

Bruce's POV:

I wave him goodbye back and start walking home. The whole way home I think of him and have butterflies in my stomach, even when I got home and finally went to bed after the long day I kept thinking of him. I think it's now safe to say that I definitely like him.

1050 Words


Kind of a Pretty Boy isn't he? 💌Brance💌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang