Chapter 10

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Rain played a really beautiful song. I love the melody of the song it just sounds so calm and peaceful. "I haven't written it any further," Rain said as he stopped spiling and put his guitar aside.

 The song is really beautiful Rain" I said and smiled. "Thank you Elena," he said, smiling shyly. "I'll talk to Aether and don't bother you writing the song" I said as I got up. "You never disturb"he said, smiling softly.

 I felt Dew's gaze on me as I moved away from Rain. I walked slowly in Aether's direction." Aether can we talk" I asked him as I stood in front of him. Aether put his guitar aside and nodded. "Do you think you will be able to kill none of us this week, so we all get back upstairs" I asked as I sat next to him. "I've never asked you why you're doing all this," he teases with a counter-question.

"I answer your questions and you answer mine" Aether continued. I nodded and said "Actually I'm not a sister of sin, not anymore" I said and stopped short. "That's why I've never seen you here before," he replied.

"I'm in your church for the first time. I was working as a sister of sin in another church about 30 kilometers from here," I continued. "And then you stopped being a sister of sin" he asked.

"Yes" I said silently. I didn't want to say more about this topic. Talking about my dead parents with a strange ghoul certainly wasn't what I wanted. "What happened. You answer me I will answer you. You already forgot" said Aether. If I only got an answers like that, I have to say it.

"My parents were murdered," I said and looked silently at the floor. "By who? Your old church?" he asked in astonishment. I was amazed I could see a touch of compassion and sadness in his green eyes. Or was I just wrong? "You killed my parents," I said, looking into his eyes now.

 "What" he just said shocked. "My parents were in the way of something and your Ministry, Sister Imperator cleared them out," I said. I had to fight to hold back the tears.

"Elena I'm so sorry I can't believe Sister actually did something like this. I don't know about any of this and I've been here a very long time. I just want you to know that me and all the ghouls in this room have absolutely nothing to do with it," he said. He looked really upset and I...I believed what he said. "Elena, how did you come to us and why do you want to help us?" asked Aether,confused.

"Sister and Nihil kind of kidnapped me and brought me here to help you to restore the balance between ghouls and the sisters of sin and for that they bring my parents back" I said and glared at him.

"Elena I'm so sorry that all this happened to you. But I promise you nothing will happen to you here with us. And as soon as we are up we will confront Sister and Nihil. My ghouls are behind you" he said and put his hand gently on my shoulder.

 "Thanks Aether" I said and gave him a grateful look. "You know even if it doesn't seem like it the other ghouls really like you guys and I think all that stuff about killing you is just that they wouldn't do it," he said.

"Aethii I want to have more fun" said a voice, interrupting us. I turned and saw Swiss standing in front of us. "I wanted to play this drinking game with Mountain, but he's a wimp and doesn't want to play anymore, and he doesn't drink enough," said Swiss, grinning cheekily.

 "Can I play with Elena?" he asked."No thanks" I said and stood up. "Aether just grinned. "Find someone else to play with" Aether said and laughed. I had to laugh too and then slowly walked away from them both. Because I really didn't want to become a Swiss toy.

 "Wait" said Swiss and followed me.I sat on a couch in another corner of the room. "Come on Elena" said Swiss and sat next to me "no thanks" I said looking at a book. "Play with Dew" I said. "Ugh no I can't stand the guy he is pissed" said Swiss.

Because Faith is mine- Ghost Band StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon