Chapter 1

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"Sister" said a voice behind me. I turned around and my eyes met his. Cardinal Copias eyes.

"Joining the church won't make your problems go away but I can give you a fresh start. Your parents are dead you have no one left here in the human world" I interrupted him during his speech.

"I had someone here until you took her from me. My parents are dead because of you and now I'm supposed to join your church and pretend nothing happened. You try to break me, break my will. No. I won't let that happen."

The Cardinal just looked at me. In the area there was no one who could help me, it was late in the evening, and it was already dark. I stood there all alone with him on the street and behind me was my family house but without them.

"We are here to protect you from everyone. Your parents, it was an accident, a necessary accident and you know that too, Elenora." He didn't get any further cause I interrupted him.

"Don't call me that, my name is Elena. And you had no right to kill my family just like that and neither your group of demonic ghouls. They are all monsters just like you".

I slowly started to get closer and closer to my limit I felt the first tears are already rolling down my cheeks. The Cardinal watched me and tried to get closer a few times but with no luck.

"Enough" someone suddenly said behind us. A tall elderly woman stood behind me. Sister Imperator.

"You know that your parents are to blame for their deaths. And you're coming to the ministry with us now or you'll be the next to die. I know that you're not afraid of dead and that's what makes you so special, we need you as a sister of sin in our church. Since the accident with the ghouls".

"The red battle of the Ministry," I interrupted her. "Yes, that's what it's called. Since that accident, no sister of sin has ever dared to go into the catacombs to see the ghouls. This isn't a place for a sister of sin either, but we need the ghouls up here. And if they do are not allowed to leave the catacombs because all sisters are so scared to be near them, they will get much more dangers for us all. We must get the sisters and ghouls back on one track, otherwise the church will fall apart".

I just stared blankly into the distance. "And why should that be my problem?" I asked.

"You'll see that soon" she said and a little later I was pulled into a car and didn't notice anything. My eyes got heavy, and everything went black.

"She's our only salvation, we have to try," said a woman in agreement as I slowly opened my eyes. "Elena, nice that you're waking up, we've been waiting for it."

When I opened my eyes, I saw Sister Imperator, Cardinal Copia and Papa Nihil standing in front of me. Next to them were some women, probably sisters of sin. I could not move. I was tied up, my legs and arms were tied to a chair.

"We're sorry, your will is strong, we didn't know how you would react, we had to tie you up" said Sister Imperator.

"I apologize for the inconvenience you had to get here but I warmly welcome you to the church," said Papa Nihil. "I want to go home immediately untie me and set me free" I screamed loudly and tried to free myself but hopelessly.

"Listen, Elena, calm down. We need you and you need us. Your home is gone, you no longer have a home, you can't go back. But you can start a new, meaningful life here as the first sister of sin. The other sisters want you trust you follow. Together we will bring the church back into balance" sister said to me with full conviction.

"I don't want any of that." I didn't want to be here but she was right I had no home anymore I had no place to go and no friends or family I was alone. The church was the only place I could go, but I didn't want to live in a building with the ghouls and these creepy black-clad sisters.

Probably these demons were just below us in their cellar or as it is called here the catacombs. "You need to calm down and hear us, we need each other," Cardinal Copia said to me.

I had never seen him so serious as now. "The ghouls have been far too dangerous since the accident, we have to get them back on the right track. We must save the church," said sister imperator.

"Since the accident in the church, everyone here fears the ghouls, and rightly so. Ghouls aren't stuffed animals, we know that, but they shouldn't be murderers or beasts either. They're becoming more and more aggressive and unpredictable," said Papa Nihil.

"They are locked up down there, I probably wouldn't feel great in this situation either. "Oh yes, I'm in a similar situation right now, tied to a chair in a building I don't want to be in," I said cheekily.

"We don't want to keep you here, we want you as the leader of the Sisters of Sin. We must bring the church back together" Sister Imperator said and looked at me worriedly.

"The fact that you no longer have the ghouls under control is not my problem and not my concern" I spoke loudly. "It will soon be a problem for us all if they don't soon be allowed to leave the catacombs. All what Ghouls need is a women to have sex and animals to hunt and kill them but soon it will be women who are hunted and killed" said sister glumly.

"This already happened" I said annoyed. "Elena, you have to help us and we will help you".

"How can you help me?" I asked confused. "We can bring your parents back Elena. With an Ritual some Ghouls know how it work. But only together we can bring your parents back" Papa Nihil said.

I stopped holding out and now listened to what they were saying. "Let her go" Sister Imperator ordered some sisters. They made me free me from the chair and I looked at my red wrists. I got up and looked back at Sister Imperator.

"If you can bring my parents back then I'll help you" I said. "Well then we'll start right away so that you can get your parents back quickly and we can clean the church again, "said Papa Nihil.

"How am I supposed to help you?" I asked.

I wanted my parents back and if I could just get them back by being in this church with demons and other ghosts for a few months then I will try. "Papa Nihil has forbidden the ghouls to come upstairs they are now down in the catacombs for starters you have to find the trustworthy ghouls who don't want to kill you right away".

I chuckled. That sounds great. "We have to get them back on the right path" said Sister Imperator.


So guys that was the first chapter from my new book. Feel free to comment how u liked it and feel free to ask me if you have questions 

Wish u a nice day Ghosties <3

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