016 | been keeping me up

Start from the beginning

"I've seen you more than five times," she defended herself. "I met you like three times last year, I think, then I've seen you like five times this year. And I go through stages where I don't talk to anyone."

"Is that why you started going to therapy?" Brooklyn asked. "How's that going?"

"I forgot I tweeted that.." Adalyn softly ran her hands through her hair as she looked away from the rest. "It's been alright.. and it's not necessarily the reason, there's other stuff that has been happening.."

"Are you doing okay?" Valentina spoke up, receiving a quick nod from the girl.

"Okay enough about me, let's talk about you girls," she shook it off. "What have you all been up to lately?"

"um nothing, just work," Brooklyn sighed. "You're life's more interesting that's why we're bothering you."

"Speaking of work, where do you work?" Adalyn turned to the girl beside her. "You said you were working this morning so do you not work at the club anymore?"

"No, I'm not at the club anymore," Valentina shook her head. "Baby's growing and I don't feel comfortable working there anymore so I now work at the cafe downstairs from Jonah and I's apartment."

"Also while we're on the topic of baby Hayes.. Val.." Noami jokingly cleared her throat as Adalyn looked at her confused. "Do the asking."

"Oh.. Adalyn, Naomi's dying to know baby's gender so she can I don't know, spoil baby Frantzich.. and I think Jonah's dying to know as well," Valentina explained. "Anyway I was wandering if you, Adalyn, wanted to organise it all, be the one to find out first since you were about baby in general."

"The girl's have already agreed to have it here not this weekend but the next, before the boys leave for tour. And I can pay you back for whatever you order but I don't want anything big," she continued to babble. "I just want something small. And something environmentally friendly, nothing controversial like your brother's."

"First of all our 'event planner' cousin done that per his request so don't say I'm an issue," Adalyn responded. "And second, of course I will plan it, and don't worry about paying me back for anything, it's fine."

"Okay, well I have a doctor's appointment next Monday so I'll get that all organised for her to tell you," she smiled.

"And what about you two," she turned to the couple across the room from herself. "What have you been up to?"

"Just working, hanging out," Stephanie nodded. "Enjoying each other."

"Yeah basically," Naomi agreed. "None of us get up to much anymore."

"Well do you want something to do?" Adalyn asked, all four girls looking at her confused. "I'll be taking Lavender to Jack when they're in Europe.. and I said if you girls wanted to come as well, we can take the private jet.. that way Lavy can run around or whatever without really annoying anyone."

"When's this happening?"

"uh.. mid August maybe, I don't know, Jack's mentioned it like twice but we just haven't had a opportunity to talk about it yet, but I'll let you know the dates and locations within Europe."

"I'm going to Paris," Valentina smiled. "Jonah and I are set on me going there."

"Well we'll leave before they're in Paris then and stay for however long Lavender's Mom let's us have her," she replied. "Which is hopefully gonna be more than a week since he's not seeing her this month."

While the four continued to talk about the Europe trip in a few weeks, Adalyn had gone quite silent as she zoned out, picking her lips and holding her phone in her other hand while she tried to figure out a good, impulsive way to tell them her exciting news.

And after a few minutes of thinking, she pulled her hand away from her mouth and unlocked her phone. Opening the ultrasound photo in her camera roll, and then turning to attention to her friends as she waited for a break in their conversation.

"Hey.. um.. do- do you girls know who this is at all?" Adalyn spoke up while unlocking her phone again as it had turned off, before handing it to Valentina. "they've been keeping me up at like all hours of the day.."

"You're joking!" her face instantly lit up as she passed the phone to the other three.

"Adalyn!?" Brooklyn yelled in excitement.

"aw congrats," Stephanie smiled over at the girl.

"Thank you.."

"We're gonna steal all your cute little kids," Naomi added.

"No, my baby," Adalyn grabbed her phone back and then placed her hands on her stomach. "No stealing my baby."

"Stop, what if you're having twins?!" Brooklyn more so suggested. "We all know you have the strongest twin bloodline."

"Yeah so strong my brother had enough of it and ate his twin in the womb," she joked. "I feel like I'd know by now anyway."

"How far along are you?"

"Six weeks," she replied to Valentina. "Doctor called me on the way here and said I'm due on Valentine's Day."

"I'm due on January fourteenth!" she said in excitement, yet slight confusion at the same time, "But I'm six weeks ahead of you so how are you only due a month behind me..?"

"Oh I'm technically like eight weeks.."

"The stories changing," Brooklyn playfully raised a brow.

"No, no," Adalyn shook her head. "There's like a two-ish week window where you're more likely to conceive before your period so they count those two weeks or from the last day of your last period or something as pregnant cause it's hard to work out the exact date so technically your due date is only thirty-eight, thirty-nine weeks from when you conceive."

"From what I read that is true though," the other chimed in. "Cause I was so confused by my doctor saying that I got pregnant while Jonah was away so I literally check every website trying to work it out, so I'm technically only ten, eleven weeks not twelve."

"Pregnancy's confusing," Stephanie chuckled.

"Don't even started on 'morning sickness'," Adalyn huffed. "I can't even eat a meal without throwing it up- oh and at all hours of the day not just the morning, it's bullshit."

"I'm so glad I haven't been sick yet," Valentina added.

"You're just lucky."

"Yeah.. I'm staying on birth control," Brooklyn laughed. "I'm not dealing with any of that right now."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


and girl are reunited as well :))

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