Chapter 10 - Press Conference

Start from the beginning

"Last night I held up sign my friend made which asked him to marry me and he said yes and I said yes, and-" the Russian's head shook slightly, as if to notify the man beside him he was running out of words that would be comprehendible. The Chinese man looked back as if to say to him that he was gonna get through this. 

"I did it, not because of his beauty, but, I mean, he is but.." The crowd chuckled again. "It seemed like the right thing to do." 

"So, you just looked into each other's eyes and said...yes?" 

The two men looked at each other. They were from different backgrounds but considering they were at the same concert and event where the situation unfolded both knew what the other would say.

"Yes." Another positive response from the crowd followed as the two looked into each other's eyes. And it was only at this point that Russia noticed China's beautiful eyes. He could look into them forever, their picture-perfect brown surrounded by a porcelain white, but of course that wouldn't be suitable for this situation.

"Is that not ridiculous?" The Chinese man this time looked to the Russian for answers, the interviewer's question taking China aback for the first time, with the Russian's response giving him time to answer. The back of his seat was starting to get hotter and hotter.

"In history, marriage was not about love, it was about expanding empire, the woman you married based off what she or family had. 'I'll give you this, you give daughter."

The reporters and crowd this time were not as impressed or wooed by this answer, instead giving a negative murmur, a scoff at his answer, which was historically accurate, if not crude. Japan's expression likewise could be expressed as such.

"It's sad, but that's how history was. It was often business deal, not about love, and maybe that's where everyone's problem lies." Russia's surprisingly long and complex answer was finally over, and with that the final question was directed straight towards him.

And it targeted him directly where it hurt the most.

"This is your second marriage, Russia. You don't want to fail again, do you not?" The Russian's expression suddenly went blank, staring at the crowd as his face turned a dusty shade in mortification as such an invasive question must have taken the Russian a bit of time to register an answer. Fortunately China came to his rescue. A sigh escaped the Russian's mouth.

"Well, you , you can't stop eating because you can choke, you haven't lived until you failed. You're the one who got fired off Country News Worldwide." 

A sudden ooh crowded the room as the interviewer's attention was faded into the crowd, his expression turning as if to say, "touche".

"Look, what we did was crazy and impulsive," China ended things off, the Russian taking a glass of water. "We've already talked about that, but it was a leap of faith. I know a lot of people out there are homophobic, I have already received enough hate as is. So how about this."

The Russian's face turned to the Chinese man as he awaited his final bold answer to the crowd.

"I don't care what people say about their relationship. Cause after all, why should we be getting in the way of other people's happiness?" 

The crowd finally applauded, everybody standing up to give the pair an outstanding ovation as the two smiled at each other, congratulating each other on getting through this tough spot in their current situation. 


The pair, along with China's security as well as Japan made their way out onto the roof of the building, where China's escort would take him to wherever he needed to go to next. Japan's expression had been bright and congratulatory as she congratulated Russia on his endeavors. 

"That was amazing, ロシア, 本当!" Japan's voice beamed with hope and excitement. "Oh, ロシア, don't worry about Tuesday, we can figure it out." The Japanese's girl's arms moved around as she tried to communicate her point. 

"Alright, thank you," the Russian simply smiled at the girl as the two made their way to China's ride.

"Don't worry, 俄罗斯, we'll try not to change your life too much," the Chinese man's attention turned to the Russian man. 

"It's probably too late," the Russian chuckled as all of the gang, South Korea, China, Russia, Japan, their bodyguards, all of them made their way to their respective rides. "I mean, do you ever get used to this? Attention and chaos everywhere." The wind blew in their faces and hair as the two talked for a bit.

"Depends on the day I guess," the Chinese man started as he got into his car. "Some days its fine, sometimes it's suffocating. Know that upfront." The Chinese man and Russian stared directly into each other's faces as the two finished their quick conversation.

"Thanks. Anyway, where are you going now?"

"伦敦, just for a meeting." The man smiled innocently at the older Slavic man. (伦敦-Lúndūn-London)

"And I'm going back home for my dog, that's all it is." Both of the men chuckled at each other's jokes and humor as China closed the door. "I'll see you at next photo opportunity?" The Chinese man smiled and nodded as the engine started on the car.

"Check your schedule!" the South Korean girl beside China called out through the window. To which the Russian responded by fumbling around in his jacket and pulling out:

"A flip phone? He can't even text with that thing! 삼성전자 makes a better phone than that for like 십만원!" The Korean girl stared at him with almost disdain and confusion. (삼성전자-Samseong jeonja-Samsung, 십만원-Sibmanwon-100000 won/100 USD)

"Yes I can," the Russian responded in the same way that the South Korean girl did. "But very slowly!" The Chinese man chuckled at his innocence, his whispers at the end making China smile. 

The car finally drove off as the two waved goodbye to each other, the car taking China and her gang away as Russia was left there standing, making his way back to his residence.


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Closets full of Louis and Christian Dior

Picassos and Van Goghs that no one's seen before

Marry Me-A Countryhumans Retelling (China x Russia) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now