Chapter 10 - Press Conference

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"Ladies and gentlemen, 中国, and his new husband, ロシア!"

A round of applause and claps flooded the room as both of the men's expressions were a bit frozen in time, from either fear or anticipation. Russia could feel his hands sweating themselves out as China took another quick glance at his new partner. 

"You're going to do great, 俄罗斯!"

"I don't know anything about press conferences!"

"Just go with the flow. You can't stop eating because you can choke." 

Cameras flashed and clicked around them as the two ended their quick conversation, their conversation now directed the crowd of interviewers, of which saying they had many questions and inquiries was an understatement. And with that the first interviewer rose up to make his voice heard.

"So you think it's romantic to marry a complete stranger?"

"Well, impulsive, without a plan. But, its not all bad," the Chinese man chuckled slightly. The Russian beside him looked at the Chinese man's boldness in the situation, admiring his confidence slightly. The man and the audience followed him with a fitting chuckle.

"So you just threw caution to the wind and thought-" another stranger responded.

"Well, I didn't think actually. It was just a moment." 

The Russian looked at his new husband again, surprised by his cool composure and simple responses to what he considered to be quite invasive questions actually. The Russian man might have not known anything about this man but he sure knew how to dodge a situation, and thus the Russian felt obligated to follow in his lead.

"Wait, so you are banking a lifetime on a single moment?"

"Well, life is really just a series of moments."

"Let's be real here, you know absolutely nothing about each other. Did you think twice? Russia?"

The Russian's attention turned to China, almost asking him for help, before taking a silent breath and speaking again. 

"People meet randomly often, bars," the Russian started. (this is like every smut sequence in this fandom in a nutshell)

"Online.." the Chinese man chimed in, to which the Russian nodded in affirmation.

"Online, 7-Eleven."

The crowd laughed slightly again at their simple jokes. The Russian felt a little bit comforted by the awkwardness of the situation diffusing slightly, and with it the Russian felt his mind clear up a bit.

"So, I mean, why is this any different?" the Chinese man shrugged simply.

"To state the obvious, you guys got married." The interviewer placed an unnatural inflection of the final word of the sentence, as if to mock the two for doing something so unimaginably crazy. The Russian and Chinese man looked at him both at the same time.

"Yeah. And-"

"Now we'll get to know each other." The Russian faked a convincing smile to the crowd, to tell them that he was perfectly fine with this arrangement, even if he knew inside he was dying.

"But not as man and husband," another interviewer chimed in. 

"Uhhh, no. That would be crazy."

"For him at least," the Russian man chimed in to make his own joke. "For me that would be sweet." The crowd sucked it all up, laughing at the man's human nature coming out, almost aw-ing in response. The man smiled sweetly, looking at the Chinese man's expression. Japan's expression smiled a bit in relief, although she definitely looked at the crowd in the hope nothing would go wrong. Sure it wouldn't be long before it ended but the event could definitely still end disastrously.  

Marry Me-A Countryhumans Retelling (China x Russia) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now