Chapter 6 - Getaway Car

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Cameras flashed, the paparazzi had quickly caught wind of the situation and were right at the back gate of the concert hall, the Chinese man hung his head down while the Russian looked at him, worried, as the two quickly made their way past the flashing lights. 

"China, how do you feel about Mongolia cheating on you?" "How was the kiss with Russia?!" "Do you even know who this person is?"

The two of them quickly opened the doors to China's limo, the Russian having the courtesy to help the Chinese man in before quickly coming around to let himself into the car. And so they sped off.

The atmosphere inside the car was complete silence. Only the sound of the occasional speed bump or sharp turn to the right broke it. And the two stared off into their own windows, seeing their reflection give way to even more reflections outside.

"That was crazy," was all that the Russian said, attempting to disperse the situation, taking sharp glances at the Chinese man as his facial expression still came up as silent sadness. "I-I'm sorry, comrade, I-don't know what to say or do. But, I think you must have cared about him." 

The Chinese man smiled, chuckling slightly as he looked up, his facial expression not as sad as it had been a few moments earlier. A small smile escaped his lips, a sad one but a smile nonetheless.

"I was marrying him."

"Fair point. He's gonna age horribly."

"No, he's not."

The Russian man sighed, rubbing his forehead again. 

"Yeah, you're right, Китай. He's probably gonna become better looking." Another sound escaped China's mouth-a bit of an exasperated chuckle as the two went back to looking through their windows. (Китай-Kitay-China)

"I'm so sorry about this," The Russian man glanced over to look at the man he had just married. And although China didn't break eye contact from his reflections, he did respond.

"Me too."


The car finally pulled up to China's residence, the car pulling over into the garage's driveway as bodyguards came over to open the door, letting the Chinese man out as the Russian looked back at him with a bit of worry.

"Will you be okay?" The Russian man asked, looking over at the Chinese man thanking the man who had opened the door for him. China turned back, even with his meltdown he still looked flawless in his suit. 

"North Korea will take you home."

"Ok, well, Спокойной ночи!" (Спокойной ночи-Spokoynoy nochi-Good night)

"晚安!" The man smiled a bit as he wished him a good night, the door closing behind him as the Chinese man made his way up to his residence. The Russian man looked on behind him. (晚安-Wǎn'ān-Good night)

His phone suddenly rang as the Russian was brought out of his thoughts, bringing himself to respond to his phone, looking at the list of 12 missed calls from America.

"Ruski, finally!" 

"Hi, how's Беларусь?" 

"She's fine, she's at Britain's. Where are you, Slav?"

"I'm in a garage. I'll be home soon." 

"Wait, have you not seen it?" The American chuckled a bit, seeing his face on the television back at his house. "You are everywhere! Online, television-" 

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