Chapter 5 - A Prince Versus A Wolf

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"Why not. Sure, I'll marry you. You!"

China had pointed towards Russia, his finger, pointed directly at the man as it took the three of them, Russia, America, Belarus, a bit of time to register what the heck was going on. But it soon dawned on them, and Russia was seen stuck in place, his limbs locked up. The screen on the stage had changed shots towards a close up of him, as gasps, claps, murmurs passed along the stage.

"I thought it would be Mongolia, but it's just some tri-colored country!" "Maybe its a celebrity in a mask?" "Is this a social experiment?"

Russia turned around, completely lost as he had no idea what to do.

"папа, that's you, go!" Belarus lost her mind as she pushed her dad off into the aisle, the Russian still holding the sign America made.

"Is he talking about me, Amerika?" The Russian quickly turned to his best friend, who was, for some reason, extraordinarily excited about this whole situation.

"Are you kidding? Yes! He's talking to you! GO!" America pushed his Slavic friend out into the open, as he grabbed his sign from the Russian's hands, the Slavic man running his way down the aisle and onto the stage. America's cries began to echo around the audience, everyone screaming "Go!" at him to get on top. 

Live feeds and social media pages, entire services were being bombarded with the situation, a random stranger being taken on stage by one of the biggest celebrities in the world to marry him. Everyone was so confused, Russia was confused, America and Belarus were confused, Japan was confused, it seemed China himself was utterly confused about the whole situation.


And so there were the two, staring directly into their eyes as the live audience and what must've been at this point pretty much the entire world, not just 20 million people, watched the proceeding ceremony. China is marrying a stranger, Russia. And oh boy was it such a crazy frenzy in the headlines.

Russia's mind flooded with a thousand thoughts. "Why am I here? I was only here to accompany my friend and daughter! This is not happening. He seems to understand my pain but why?"

And similarly China's thoughts immediately followed a similar trajectory. "What have I done? Why did I choose this man of all people? He seems to understand the scope of the situation but how have I gotten myself into this deep of a hole?"

The pair's daze was interrupted by the proceeding priest, an organ playing in the background as if it really was a dedicated wedding in a church. A few "oh my god"'s and "WTF is happening" flew through the chorus of the live audience as the man heading the proceedings finally made himself heard.

"Do you, the People's Republic of China, take this man to be your lawfully wed husband? And I mean really take him. Think deeply about him, man," the priest brought his microphone up to the Chinese man.

China stared directly into Russia's eyes. And without a moment of hesitation.

"I do." Sudden gasps, cheers, and murmurs flew once again, but China didn't seem to hear them.

"And do you, some guy, take China to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest placed his microphone up to Russia's face. 

"No! Mongolia!""Do it!""NO!"

Russia had to take a moment to think about it. This was somebody he had no idea existed, he barely even knew who China was, even if he was the biggest popstar on the planet. But he stared directly into China's eyes. And he could feel Belarus, America, the entire audience, everyone, staring directly at him. He wasn't going to humiliate the poor Chinese man. And so, he acted the only way he knew to diffuse the situation.

Marry Me-A Countryhumans Retelling (China x Russia) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now