I heard the door open and that was the sound of my dad coming in with a bunch of groceries and healthy ones. My parents were always health nuts. That's why my body looks so good and healthy.

"Hey kiddo what's up," he says while setting the groceries on the island for my mom to unbag.

"The usual my mom tells me that I have a fucking sister and that you guys are leaving tomorrow for Scotland and I have to raise her all alone," I say. I feel like I just got slapped in the face. Karma is a bitch, but the funny thing is that I have no idea what I did wrong.

"Hey, calm down Ace it's business. Also watch your language," my dad says.

"This is only a temporary thing," my mom says.

"A temporary thing you can't be serious, the last time you said it was temporary, you guys left for about four years," I say.

"I know but we are serious this time," my mom says.

"BULLSHIT," I yell and slam my fist on the island.

"That's enough I am not letting you speak to your mum like that, we can finish this conversation later," my dad says.

"Whatever," I say and walk upstairs to my room. I sit on the side of my bed but I hear the door that I shut open quietly again.

"Ace," Aaliyah says softly.

"Aaliyah," I say.

"Are Mom and Dad going to leave," Aaliyah says.

I pat the side of my bed so she can come sit down. "Yeah probably, but it is okay because I will be here for you," I say.

"You will stay," Aaliyah says.

"Yeah, Leah I will and is it okay if I call you that," I ask.

"Yeah, it's okay," Aaliyah says and embraces me in a little side hug. "Want to play with me."

"Sure what are we playing," I ask.

"Barbies. Ken is about to tell Barbie something amazing. You can be Ken by the way," she says while taking my hand and dragging it to her room.


"ACE DOWNSTAIRS NOW," my dad yells from the kitchen. I was trying to get some sleep but the beast woke me up.

"What do you want to talk about now," I say while lightly putting my hands on the island.

"Todd has told me all about your conversations including the two of you," my dad says while taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Oh, I am sure he has."

"Yeah, he also told me that you rejected him when he was talking to you about the NBA."

"Yep, you got that right."

"Ace we talked about this you can't throw away the NBA, you are going to have to listen to Todd from now on."

"The hell I won't."

"The hell you will."

"No I won't. He can come up here and talk about all the amazing opportunities that have been given to me but I don't care."

"Ace you are going at the end of the year and that is final."

"Oh yeah and if I don't. Who's is going to raise Aaliyah, because if you can't do it now then you sure won't be able to do it then, "I say.

"We will figure out something when the time comes," my dad says.

"When the time comes my ass," I say and walk back upstairs.

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