Chapter 2 // Explore

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"Wow.." Melody puts her hands on her hip. She looked very unimpressed by the pack of boxes she received from Sheldon. Those boxes were opened and the contents inside made Melody not surprised. It was a bunch of underdeveloped weapon parts.. a lot of them. In two boxes. "He's… he's supposed to do this? All of this? You've got to be kidding me." Her eye twitched a bit, seeming that she had a bit of a temper at the moment. Apparently, it was parts that Alex needed to test, duplicate, and put together to make the ultimate weapons ready for battles. Melody couldn't believe this.

She closes the box up, no longer looking at the contents. She sighs in despair, though Melody likes to overreact. "Anyways," she pushes the box away and looks around the room. She had finished unpacking already, now she was just organizing the boxes and gathering the things that were sent to Alex. "Can't believe Sheldon isn't giving him a break.."she mumbles. Melody then stretches, arching her back a little bit and letting out a grunt of tiredness but relief. Now what was left was figuring out what to do. 

Melody looks at the window, which was blinded and covered by curtains. Curious enough, she walks over to the windows, carefully stepping over the objects in front. With that, she moved the curtains out of the way, touching the blinds. It was already bright out from a peek. It was what stood out the most in the room; Light.

She opens the blinds. Melody stares at the light before looking around. Since she was on the first floor, she couldn't see a view from above but rather the ground floor. She saw multiple people walking past like a normal day.o Looking closely, she was rather absorbed into the aesthetics. Now that she thought about it, she didn't take the time to absorb herself into the actual city. She gazed at the city and its people. Those cephalopods were fresh, cool, and outstanding. The city never proved less. She smiled naturally while gazing, not having much regret over moving. ''I wonder.. is it possible to be like them?'' she thought.

Though she didn't move for quite a bit and was too struck on the gazing, she eventually shook her head and retreated herself from the window. She lets go of the blinds and releases the curtains. For a moment, her eyes seemed rather lost in thought, not having much of an after-reaction. Though she then slaps both cheeks with both of her hands, shaking her head again. Now, her eyes were back to determination. Being back in the mood again, she grabbed her phone and walked towards the door. "No point in staying around!" She argued with herself in enthusiasm. She hastily makes it to the door and opens it, closing and locking it from behind. She was already ready. 

She walks out of the apartment buildings as she reaches the actual outside, taking a moment to breathe in the city air. It was different from Inkopolis, very different. Even so, Melody was confident. She checks her squid phone for the time before going off. She figured she should know the place first before starting her new errands.

Reaching the square of Splatsville, she looks around in admiration. There were a bunch of people just hanging around and a bunch of new features. Even though she has been here once just earlier since she had to get Sheldon's boxes, it was still fascinating to her. She never got the time to explore, so she thought that this was now the time to do so.

So there goes Melody. She looks around the square, visiting Sheldon and his shop, wandering into the new stores that included gear, and the multiple sceneries. She even bothered climbing up that ramp to the highest point for the scenery. Melody already loved it. It was so different from Inkopolis, Melody couldn't quite explain it well. 


Melody walks back to the square after her little adventure. She didn't know much still, but she got the gist of the layout. She checks her squid phone again, looking at the time. By then, she puts it away after and runs to Ammo Knights. She enters the shop, seeing a few people in the shop and Sheldon assisting someone. As she stepped inside, there was another person, a male, who was stepping out of the store. He wore a neon orange-white jacket with a hoodie on. The head was covered by the hood, and the person happened to bump into Melody. She stumbled a bit as she looked back, the male looked back as well after exchanging sides of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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