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The name said by his old teacher was enough to make Katsuki give his full attention while he snapped at anyone in the area to shut up so he could hear the call fully.

There's a steady banging of his heart against his chest at whatever is about to be said.

As he moves to an unoccupied side of a building rooftop he was patrolling from he pushes his shock and maybe even fear down and speaks.

"What the hell does that mean exactly?"

Aizawa takes a breath.

" It means just what I said. Midoriya needs your help. I know you know of his condition but what you might not know is that he's given up hope. He's bitter and angry, refusing most visitors and now refusing therapy sessions and even check-ups from his caregivers."

Katsuki furrows his brows a feeling of fear rising that's unfamiliar to him.

" What the hells going on back there huh? I mean I heard about him not being able to move his legs but I thought that was just till the swelling in his spine and shit went down. And what the fuck do you mean he's refusing?"

" Just as I said, refusing because he believes the therapy won't work. He's lost hope Katsuki and when that happens it has a domino effect on everything else."

The blonde listens pinching the bridge of his nose from the stress he feels steadily rising.

" So what are the damn doctors actually saying?"

" They aren't giving any real answers, mostly because I don't think they have them but I can tell most of them believe he won't recover from this."

Theres anger in crimson eyes as he fights the feel of acid creeping up his throat.

" That's bullshit! Deku is strong as fuck. He's just being goddamn stubborn right now."

Aizawa smiles at the defensiveness he knew would come.

The blonde's voice breaks in again.

" I still don't know why or how you think I can help."

" I think you might be the only one who can. You have always pushed Midoriya to go the distance to not give up or give in because he always wanted to be able to keep up with you. Out of everyone here he looks up to you the most, he has since you were children. You feed off each other, put the competitive drive in each other. We can't seem to push him without backing down when he pushes back, you will not back down. He needs almost a drill sergeant approach and I can't think of anyone who holds attitude more than you do."

There's silence on the line as Katsuki takes in the words.

He hears Aizawa once again.

" Plus you and Midoriya have the bond of being childhood friends. You know him better than most."

Katsuki scoffs eyes down on his hero boots.

" Yeah, where I bullied the fuck outta him. I mean yeah alright we were decent to each other by the time we graduated and shit but still."

There's something behind the reason Aizawa chose Katsuki, that something is that all through UA he saw what the two tried so hard to hide behind petty fights and misunderstandings.

There were feelings there.

He saw it in the way each would stare at the other when the other wasn't looking.

Saw it in the way Katsuki claimed he hated Izuku but was never far from him.

Saw it in the way Izuku would brag for hours about how great Katsuki was and how amazing his quirks were.

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