Chapter 24

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"We suggest very helpful therapeutic sessions to help you surpass these traumatic events."

"Would you like to select a therapist most beneficial to your needs?"

Did I not say therapy was going to be dumped on me? Because I totally did.

A kind nurse—Joncey, was her name—and Doctor Avan provided me with a list of names for local and out-of-city therapists and psychiatrists. They saw it as something helpful to me; I saw it as another problem added to the pile I already have.

The thing is, I don't want therapy. Sure, I want someone to talk to, but I'm not gonna talk to a stranger about how my whole life is all fucked up because of my parents. Why the hell would I spend two-hundred bucks a session to talk to some tight-ass, when I don't even have enough money to pay for three weeks of groceries?

I'm shaken out of my inner thoughts when a hand presses against my shoulder. I look up at my brothers, watching me with concerned looks.

"Dude, we know what you're thinkin'," Kade says slowly. I chuckle, shrugging.

"I bet."

Kailum sighs. "Listen, Bryson. You've gotta do something. Can't just leave things as they are, because things, right now, are ass."

He's right. Damn.

There has to be some other option in all of this. I have the right to make decisions on my own, no?

Absently, I scratch at the buzzed part of my head. The way my fingers brush the shortened hairs calms me.

"I'll figure it out," I mutter. I turn in my seat, facing Kailum and Kade openly. "Anyways, what's gonna happen to Dad?"

The question's been bugging me ever since I was ten years old. What will happen to Dad once this secret lets out? What will happen to me? Will my sisters be taken away from me? Will we all be put in a foster home? Where are Kade and Kailum to figure this out?

Kade shares a hurtful look with Kailum. He bites his bottom lip hard, probably to keep himself from quivering, and trying to let me not notice him doing so. Why? I catch Kade's deathly grip on Kailum's clothed arm. His knuckles are completely white. What's going on? What happened?

Kade eventually looks towards me, but forces down his own emotions just a bit.

"Kade," I burst out accidentally. Recovering quickly from dry-throat-syndrome, I continue. "What the hell is wrong?"

"They've notified the police . . ." Kade says shakily. My eyes widen.

"Th-The police?" Stammering like an idiot, my mind momentarily shuts down. All things related to the police and the encounters I've faced with the law on some occasions puts fear right back into me. "That means—"

"—You'll be questioned, Bryce," Kailum says softly. "They'll want to know specifics . . ." Kailum averts his gaze from me at that.

"Dad'll be put in jail," Kade utters below a whisper, sounding shocked and disheartened.

Dad's going to jail . . . He's . . . He'll be gone. For good? Will it be for good?

"We won't ever see him again." Kade's face scrunches up in pain. The first tear that escapes out the corner of his eye has me shocked. I'm frozen in place. "Dad, Dad . . ." Kade begins muttering a mantra of Dad's name. Kailum takes his twin's hand and squeezes tightly. Surely that's a sign to calm him down, but Kade starts speaking loudly. "Dad!" Kade cries. "I don't want him to go!"

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