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The castle seemed desolate as the only sounds that were heard were the chirping of birds and the sobbing of a woman. The woman had just learned about her son's secret, one that he desperately wanted to keep as one, as long as he could. But guilt would always eat away at his heart, forcing him to follow his feelings over reason.

He sat there, in front of his family, and in front of the family of the girl he loved. A steady stream of blood flowed down his cheeks, flowing from a cut which had occurred when his mother slapped him in a fit of rage. His bangs covered his eyes, which were downcast as tears left them. But no one could see it as the blood masked its presence and dripped from his chin onto his pants.

He couldn't look them in the eyes but also knew what expressions they wore.

Betrayal. Disgust. Despair.

Rey held Alice in a tight embrace, refusing to believe what his son had said regarding his past life. Virion had a stoic expression on his face, trying to understand his disciple and what his intentions were, telling them his secret. What he didn't understand is why he would tell them this, when it would have been better if he hadn't.

Alduin held nothing but anger against this human boy, who was the first he had grown to trust. Merial held her daughter, who had frozen at the revelation, and in contrast to her husband, felt sorry for Arthur.

"Are you really my son?" came Alice's voice in a low whisper. The voice didn't contain any emotion.

But those words stabbed Arthur, as an unimaginable pain invaded his senses. He wanted to reply that he is her son, and always will be, but that question kept on replaying in his head, eating away at his heart. He could feel his body go cold.

He wanted to be told that he was still Arthur, that his past was just another part of himself. He wanted to be embraced, and be called Art one more time by his first love. But he knew it was nothing but a dream, that reality was different. The blissful dream he had a few days back seemed out of reach right now.

He got up and staggered his way to the door, turning the knob he gave one last look towards Tessia. But he was shocked to see that instead of hate, there was a look of longing and pity in her eyes. But he thought it was just his mind playing games on him. Looking away, he left the room, closing the door on his way out, but it felt as if it meant something more. Something more...painful.

Outside sat his sister Ellie, fast asleep as Sylvie rested on her lap. He smoothly ruffled her ash-brown hair, "Take care of mom and dad, Ellie."

Picking up Sylvie he made his way through the corridors of the castle. But something seemed amiss. Sylvie noticed her papa's confusion, 'What's the matter papa?'

'Sylv, I haven't activated Realmheart, so why? Why has everything lost its color?' Arthur looked around, worry etched on his face.

'Everything looks normal to me.... papa...'  Sylvie's eyes glistened with tears when she realized what was happening with Arthur. Arthur, noticing this, just looked away as he started to walk towards his final destination before leaving Elenoir.

He soon arrived at the garden he and Tess used to spend time together as kids. Playing hide & seek, tag, pranks on each other and so much more. He cherished those memories more than anything, grateful to Tessia for being a part of his life. But all things must come to an end.

He saw the once radiant garden now lackluster as those memories started to bubble up within his heart. A painful sensation, to a degree he had never felt before, gnawed at his chest as he felt like someone was gripping his heart tightly. He collapsed on his knees gripping his chest tightly. The pain didn't seem to subside.

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