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Sydney woke up, she had a bad dream, that Tom didn't really come, that she had just dreamed it, so she was afraid to look next to her, but was relieved and also amused at the sight.  Tom with all three kids on him, and the puppy and cat cuddled together on his leg.

Sydney laughed.  Tom said, "Baby, I'm feeling a little crowded."  Sydney laughed. She said, "I'm a little hurt Tom, there is no room for me" He said, "I'm sorry, I really want to hold" Sydney laughed.  She said, "I'm kidding. While I wish I was in your arms, I'd rather the kids have you. Tommy thank you so much for coming to us. I was so worried about the kids. They totally shut down on me."  Tom said, "I'm so sorry Sydney. I thought the only way to keep you and them safe was" Sydney said, 'I know" Tom said, "you have any ideas about how I could get up to go to the bathroom" She laughed.  She said, "yes, I'll move them off you."  He said, "I don't want to wake them up"   She said, "It's ok"

Sydney got them off. They stayed sleeping.  Tom said, "how are you feeling" Sydney said, "I'm good. I had a bad dream though."  He said, "Tell me about it right after I get back" He left.

He came back. Sydney was sitting on the bed.  Tom came and hugged her, kissed her.  He said, "tell me your dream" She said, "it started good, you surprised me, came to us, but then we made love and when I woke up, I realized I was alone, that you never came home, and I was just dreaming" Tom said, "I'm here baby"

Tom said, "honey, I should go check on my mom. I can't even hardly face her. She lost everything because of me" He cried. Putting his head down.  She hugged him, cried with him.  She said, "Babe I know, I'm so sorry. But I know trust me, she would rather have you here and safe, with us, with her, then have that house. As a mom I know that for a fact."  She kissed him.

Tom got up.  Sydney said, "Babe."  He said, "yes" Sydney said, "I'm so sorry. I failed you" She cried.  He said, "no you have never" Sydney said, "I got so upset, I said that you never kept I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was hurting, but just so scared, scared that you wouldn't survive. And I didn't know how I could take care of the kids without you. I mean I did it before, but after getting you back, I just can't do it without you."

He said, "you had every right to say what you did and be upset. The past was happening again," Tom kissed her head and left.  Tom's mom was in the kitchen, drinking coffee with Judy.  He said, "Mom" She hugged him.  He said, "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" She said, "no it's ok, all that matters to me, is that you are safe, and here protecting your wife and your children. That is all that matters. Forget the house" He cried. He said, "But all dad's stuff" She said, "I know, but you have your dad in your heart, in your mind, and in your children. It's all that you need. That is just stuff Thomas. What can't be replaced is your life. Your children need their dad, your wife needs her husband. I need my son" Judy said, "And I need my friend"

The kids woke up. Sydney said, "Morning" they said, "mommy where's daddy" The girls started crying.  Thomas said, "Did daddy leave us again" Sydney said, "No, babies he is not leaving. He is staying with us ok. He's talking to grandma, she got some really sad news, and he needs time with her."  

Madison said, "Momma are you feeling better" Sydney said, "yes I am, but I'm still going to be probably throwing up a lot. I threw up with you kids, so it's normal" Thomas said, "Mommy I'm sorry" Sydney kissed him.  She said, "it's worth it."

Tom came in.  The kids said, "Daddy" The girls started crying.  Tom said, ": What's wrong" The girls said, "We thought you left us" He said, "no, I'm not leaving ok."  He sat down.  They all got on his lap.  He wiped their tears. He kissed each.  He said, "I love you 3 so much and your mommy so much. I'm so sorry I didn't come here with you. I made a mistake."  Madison said, "We need you daddy, mommy needs you" Tom said, "I know that."

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