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Sydney and the kids had fun at the zoo. She took lots of pictures on her phone. That night kids were coloring and she was watching them and looking at her phone. At the pictures and made her cry. Because she knew she should tell Tom and she didn't know how. She knew she needed be calm when she did it, and control her anger at him, but she had basically tried avoiding him, leaving before he got back. She knew he wanted to talk and explain, but it broke her heart to see him. She had managed to finally stop crying over him, because she didn't want to bring that negative energy to the babies as they grew up. She told them about their daddy and said good things and how she loved him and they made the babies in love. But seeing Tom being around him even if it was for a few minutes, brought all the pain and loss back. She tried getting it all out of her system before she picked up the kids, so that they wouldn't see she had been crying.

It was Friday. Tom was waiting at the chapel for Sydney. He knew she usually got there after he left, so he wanted make sure he saw her. He was sitting in his Mustang waiting for her. She pulled up and saw him. She said dang it.

She parked and got out of car. Tom walked over to her. He said "Morning" She said "morning Tom." He said "hey we need to talk. I tried backing off and giving you some space. And I get you're angry" She said "I know that we need to talk but can we wait till Monday" Tom said "yeah I guess I wish you'd just sit down with me let me take you out and you listen and let me explain." Sydney said "Tom I'm not going anywhere with you. Look we are in each other's life now, but if you think that " Tom said "Sydney I know you don't love me any more and I know that I lost you. I hate it. But whether or not your mind changes when you hear what I have to say, doesn't matter. I need to explain. I need to tell you why I said all that."

Sydney said "I will talk to you later ok" Tom said "ok." He held the door open as they went into the chapel. Tom was going to his desk to get something before he left for the day. Dennis came in. He said "hey Hanson" Tom shot him a look. Dennis said "hey beautiful just the lady I wanted to see" Sydney said "hey Dennis how are you today" Tom was staring. Dennis said "wonderful now that you're back to work, yesterday was brutal not seeing your beautiful face." Tom said "Booker shut the hell up"

Sydney looked at Tom. Dennis laughed. He said "Don't mind him Sydney he's just jealous" Sydney said "he has no reason to be." Tom said "Sydney" Sydney said "you didn't want me remember, you said I was stupid for believing that you loved me," Tom said "Sydney stop ." He yelled it. Dennis said "wow Hanson can't believe what a fool you are, not realizing what Sydney is worth" Tom said "Stay out of this Booker I'm warning you for the last time. Stay the hell away from Sydney." Sydney said "Hanson you have no right to tell me who I can be around." Doug had came in. He said "easy there buddy" He pulled Tom away.

Tom said "Sydney I need to see you now." Dennis said "I'm talking to her now." Tom shoved Dennis hard against the wall. Dennis said "Let go of me boy. You better quit doing that, I'm getting really pissed off." Sydney said "Tom stop let him go" Tom said "Fine." He turned and grabbed Sydney's arm. She got it off her. He said "You're coming with me in Adams office." He took her hand and pulled her. She said "let go" Tom did. They went into the office.

Doug said "Dennis leave her alone. Come on you know how much Hanson loves her. Don't do this man" Tom said "Sydney I know you're mad and I will give you space until we talk but don't you dare do this to me." She said "Do what to you" He said "Flirt with Booker. You know I hate him." Sydney said "That is not my problem that is your problem. Dennis has been really sweet to me. I like him and I think he is hot." Tom was furious. He looked like his veins going to explode. Tom made a face. She said "Who I go out with is none of your business. You didn't want me" He said "Sydney I lied when I said that. I thought you knew that. I don't know how you believed all that. I loved you then I still love you. I never stopped. But you need to stop. Booker is a bad guy ok. He is just trying to get with you to piss me off. He's using you to get to me. Because he's sick"

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