Chapter 29

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"Okay.. so I'm just curious. It's a question for both you & Sejal actually. Since you both are bi, and you clearly had amazing chemistry tonight, Have you ever thought about each other in a different way? As in, did you get attracted to each other at any point?" - Ridima asked.

Alia & Sejal exchanged looks.

"Umm.. can we skip?" - Sejal said in an unsure tone..

"Sure you can, but.. you know what it means right? If you can't answer, the answer is probably obvious.." - Ridima winked.

"Never mind, Let's answer it.." - Alia said smiling, " Yes it is an awkward question, not because we have thought about it, but because we might end up thinking about it now. This equation could be something new and rare. I'll be lying if I say it didn't occur to me ever. But when you're best friends with each other, you don't take even the slightest risk of putting that on stake." - Alia

"Unless some day you're sure that it won't be a risk..?" - Ridima

Alia shrugged.

"I guess yes. Until one day when you're sure your friendship is too stronger than any other equation. Maybe." - Alia

Ridima got a bit nervous.

"Sorry if I made you awkward. Actually these things or equations probably appear in everyone's life at some point, but no one talks about it. It happened in mine once, and I had no one to discuss it with." - Ridima

"It's alright sweety. What happened exactly?" - Alia

"Well it was long time back.. I have a younger brother who is.. let's say very curious. When we got our own separate rooms, I would sometimes sleep naked under blanket in summers, and it was alright because my parents would hardly ever enter our rooms. So I wouldn't bother much about locking the doors. And one night, my brother saw some nightmares or something, and he came to my room to sleep next to me, just like old times. Except, he didn't wake me up. He just got inside the blanket and slept hugging me. I was aware of it. couple of hours later, I somehow realised that I was sleeping naked as usual. So I turned my back towards him. But I must have turned around again in my sleep and next time my eyes opened, I was facing him again, except this time, he was naked too, and he had buried his head between my breasts.. his leg was trapped between my legs. I don't know whether it was innocent or intentional or bit of both.. but I did feel different.

After that it didn't happen again, but sometimes I get these signals in my head when I feel he's attracted towards me.. by the way he touches me, hugs me or looks at me.. and I don't understand that equation." - Ridima.

"Well I don't think I would understand it either.. but I'm always driven more by my instinct or intuition rather than what the norms tell us. So I guess, time is the best answer to all the questions. You will know when you know." - Alia

Ridima smiled.

"Alright.. Let's spin." - Jay spun the bottle and it chose Sejal this time.

"Truth or dare, Sejal?" - Jay

"Let's do truth." - Sejal

"I ask. Is it okay?" - Kisho suddenly asked.

"Sure, go ahead." - Alia

"Okay.. What is your biggest secret that no one knows?" - Kisho.

Sejal was startled. Alia looked at Jay. He shrugged. The could lie of course, and make up something. But the discussion had been getting intense now and it could have gone in any scary direction. However, Sejal was able to find a loophole.

"Okay. My biggest secret that no one knows, doesn't exist. The biggest secret I have, is already shared with my siblings, so that doesn't qualify." - Sejal said

"Wow.. way to get out on a technicality!" - Ridima

"Hey.. he should have framed the question right. But never mind, we should wrap now anyway. It's getting late." - Sejal.

"Agreed!" - Alia said, and stood up. "Let's have food and sleep. We have to start early tomorrow."

"Okay. Is anyone getting network here?" - Ridima

"I am." - Alia.

"Cool. I'm sending your number to my parents just in case they can't reach me. I'll send you dad's number too. Is that okay?" - Ridima

"Sure hon. You can call him if you want.." - Alia offered her phone.

"No it's alright. They sleep early. I'll call them tomorrow." - Ridima got up too.


After dinner, everyone decided to hit the bed. Sejal & Ridima shared one tent while Jay & Alia took another. Kisho slept in the car.

"That was super fun night.. I haven't had so much fun in days." - Ridima said to Sejal.

Sejal smiled.

"I'm glad you had fun. I never imagined you to be this sport really!" - Sejal

"Come on. Compared to you three I'm nowhere close. Alia and you, Alia and Kisho.. you guys were so fearless. I envy you." - Ridima

"You're equally fearless Ridima. Give yourself some credit. I mean last time you told me about your history with intimacy.. Based on that, I feel you have come quite far." - Sejal

Ridima smiled.

"I guess it's true. Whenever I was intimate with Suraj, there was always this feeling of him being a stranger even though he was my own. I think probably because we went too fast without knowing each other well. But with you guys.. I know so much about you. I know how protective you are.. how much you care about each other and me too. Knowing someone before getting closer to them is a whole new deal altogether." - Ridima

"Well we didn't exactly know each other well when we had out first kiss.." - Sejal winked at Ridima. Ridima blushed.

"Ya but.. you gave me a good advice. That simple act was enough to know.. that was a safe space with you." - Ridima said looking into Sejal's eyes.

They both stared at each other for few moments and leaned in for a kiss. Sejal held Ridima's face in her hands and kissed her deeply. Ridima's lips melted open and their tongues touched. Sejal locked her legs around Ridima and pulled her closer.. She pulled Ridima's shirt up and hungrily bit on her milky breast. Suddenly Ridima slowed down and Sejal sensed something.

"What's wrong?" - Sejal

"No nothing.. keep going." - Ridima

"Come on. Tell me." - Sejal

Ridima smiled with embarrassment..

"I have a confession." - Ridima

"What is it?" - Sejal

"I kind of had sex with Alia last night.." - Ridima

Sejal's lips curved slowly into a smile.

"I know sweety.. I heard it all.. and so did Kisho." - Sejal

"Wait what!!" - Ridima gasped.

"He was on opposite bunk sitting in dark, watching you." - Sejal

"Fuck. I'm a gone case!" - Ridima

"Haha relax. We've all done silly things. But anyway, go on.." - Sejal

"Well.. I liked it.. I really had fun.. but I feel, it was probably temporary. I feel I may not be bi. I feel more straight." - Ridima said with a guilty look in her eyes.

"It's completely normal sweety.. there's no rush to put labels. Some people take years to find out who they truly are, some know it in one night. Don't feel guilty. Just enjoy the pleasure as long as you feel it. We don't have to do anything just because we kissed earlier or you had sex last night with a girl. Okay?" - Sejal

"Okay.. sorry for killing your mood." - Ridima.

"Shut up. Only on one condition I'll forgive you." - Sejal

"What?" - Ridima

"May I kiss you on your sweet cheeks? One last time?" - Sejal

Ridima laughed and presented her cheek to Sejal. Sejal planted a big sloppy one there.

"Now go to sleep. I have to do something.." - Sejal said and got out of the tent.

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