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The Princess of Purity were all bunked in threes. A pink glass staircase connected all five floors of Purity Tower, swirling in a carved replica of Rapunzel’s endless hair. The door to Shira's fifth-floor room had a glittery sign covered in hearts: “ WELCOME REENA, MILLICENT, SHIRA!”

She introduced herself and all three were talking about where they lived, what their interests are, what they like to do for fun, and they slowly started to become good friends. While the other two were unpacking she went to the balcony and started to summon a portal.

The portal opened to show her sister sitting on her bed, she looked like she had been crying. “Aisha” called Shira. Aisha's head shut up when she heard her sister's voice, she ran towards the portal but could not go through. “Shira, are you okay, where are you?” asked Aisha.

Shira explained the whole story to her sister and what she needed. After a couple minutes Aisha had everything ready for Shira and pushed it through the portal which ended up at her side. “Be careful and remember to call. Okay?” said Aisha.

Shira said okay and closed the portal. As she was unpacking something in her clothes started moving and out jumped Luna, her pet tiger pixie. “What are you doing here?” asked Shira to Luna.

Luna just mew and jumped on her pillow curled up and went to sleep. Shire just shook her head and continued to put up her stuff. Soon it was time to go to the welcoming ceremony. “ Come on, we don't want to be late,” said Millicent. We all agreed and started heading down to go to the ceremony.

Fifty beautiful girls packed the hallway, giggling, gossiping, trading dresses, shoes, bags, bangles, creams, and anything else they had brought in their gigantic trunks. Shira felt right at home. Shira, Beatrix, Reena, Millicent, and Kiko talked and laughed all the way to the welcoming.

Each school had its own entrance to the Theater of Tales, which was split into two halves. The west doors opened into the side for the Good students, decorated with pink and blue pews, crystal friezes, and glittering bouquets of glass flowers.

The east doors opened into the side for Evil students, with warped wooden benches, carvings of murder and torture, and deadly stalactites dangling from the burnt ceiling. As students herded into their halves for the Welcoming, fairies and wolves guarded the silver marble aisle between them.

Despite her ghastly new uniform, Sophie had no intention of sitting with Evil. She thought that when the School Master finally came to get her, she would be going to the school for Good but instead she ended up at the school for Evil. This is a mistake she was good she just needed to prove it. One look at the Good girls’ glossy hair, dazzling smiles, chic pink dresses, and she knew she had found her sisters.

If the fairies wouldn’t rescue her, surely her fellow princesses would. With villains shoving her along, she tried to get the Good girls’ attention, but they were ignoring her side of the theater. Finally Sophie battled her way to the aisle, waved her arms, and opened her mouth to yell, when she was suddenly pushed down on the bench by her new classmates.

Shira saw a girl that had blond hair and green eyes waving her hands and pointed it out to Beatrix. She looked to where she was pointing and saw it was a never, and from the looks of it also a reader.

“Stay away from her she must be trying to get you to fall for her innocent act, she could ruin your happy ever after.” said Beatrix looking suspiciously at Sophie. Shira was confused but listened to her new friend, she probably understands more than her about what's going on.

Suddenly she heard the sound of marching feet. The girls next to her must have also heard, because the Sounds made every Good girl bolt upright. Sounds they had waited their whole lives to hear. From the hall, the stomp of boots, the clash of steel—

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