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Camp Half-Blood is a place where children of the Greek Gods would go to train so they could go on quests given by the gods themselves. Lately, there hasn't been any quests but the demigods continue to train themselves until today where a certain god came to camp personally.

In the Big House

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Thalia and Leo were gaping at the sight in front of them after the four of them entered the Big House. Why? Because Hades, God of the Underworld is standing in the living room chatting with Chiron as he is dressed in a business suit to make himself a bit mortal like. "Ah Percy and friends! Your here!" Percy blinked his eyes as Chiron spotted them and walked over while Hades stood there with his usual serious expression as he stares at Percy and his friends but mostly Percy. "Is there a reason why Sir Hades is here? Not to be rude or anything!" Grover stammered slightly but is also curious on why the God of the Underworld is here in camp which the others are also curious. "I'm here to give you a quest. A demigod search quest that is." The four demigods and satyr's jaws dropped because they were not expecting to be given a personal quest or more likely a demigod search quest by Hades himself!! Chiron cleared his throat to catch their attention, amused by their reactions as the five friends snapped out of their stupor and silently motioned Hades to continue.  The death god  quietly thanked Chiron. "As I said before, I'm giving you a demigod search quest. Your job is to bring my son from Venice, Italy to this camp within three weeks. The only hint I'll give you is my son's moniker." Hades continued speaking before pausing slightly making sure the five are listening carefully. "The moniker is Ghost King. Now that I have given you five instructions, your time starts now." The five friends blinked as they processed the last part and rushed out of the Big House to their cabins to pack for their search quest.

Outside of Camp Half-Blood

Percy and his friends are boarded on an airship known as Argo II preparing for take-off. "Never been to Venice before. Wonder what's it like." Percy pointed out as he and Grover walked to the deck after settling down in their personal rooms. Grover hummed since he knew his best friend's mom and him has never left New York due to money problems and his abusive stepfather but the situation got better as Percy's mom Sally Jackson married to a good person named Paul Blofis. "I know that Venice is filled with architecture that has historical meanings." Annabeth chimed which made the Sea Prince to roll his eyes fondly as he knew about his friend's obsession for architecture seeing that she is the daughter of Athena. "Alright folks! Let's take this to the air!" As such, the Argo II slowly lifts off from the ground up to the sky and began flying in the direction they're heading.

And so their quest to find the demigod nicknamed 'Ghost King' begins. 

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