Start from the beginning

Sydney said, "They are heartbroken and scared I can't help them I don't know how what to say nothing I say helps comfort them" She said, "I know you rest ok"

Judy called Dennis. She told him it's bad. Sydney is throwing up hon stop, kids are scared, worried, and nonstop crying won't eat. She's scared for Tommy. Dennis tried comforting her, told her he would make sure Tom made it out of this alive. They all would.

A few days passed, Sydney had been to the doctor, and the doctor started her on prenatal vitamins, and fluids, and something to help with the morning sickness. The kids would not talk. They just cried and wanted Sydney to hold them. They didn't want to eat.  Tom's mom tried cooking everything, but they would barely eat.

Sydney ate but then would throw it up. Kids laid in with her and would not leave her side.  Tom's mom thought Sydney should just get bed rest. She and Judy were worried she may lose the baby. She's too worried about Tom.

Judy called Adam and asked him to put Tom on the phone. Tom was happy to hear from her. He asked about Sydney and the kids.  She said, "look Tom, I know you think you are doing the right thing, but you are not.  You are making a big mistake. Your family needs you. I know that you're a target here, but there has to be a way to keep you safe here too. This place has armed guards. Soldiers.  Tom Sydney cannot keep food down, your mom is worried she may lose your baby, the kids cry nonstop, they won't talk, not even to Sydney, they won't watch tv, they won't eat, they won't leave her side, so when she throws up, they are in with her, They are scared they don't understand why she is throwing up, even though we have all told them Sydney told them about the baby and that it is normal, that she threw up with them. Tom, she needs you. She can't take this stress of worrying about you, and try8ing to comfort the kids when she can't even keep a sandwich down. She may lose your child. There has to be a way" Tom said, "I'll talk to Adam. See what he thinks"

Damian told Tom that he thought Tom was making a mistake.  Damian said, "Hanson, I messed up. I took on this case. I left my pregnant wife and child. I stayed away but couldn't protect them. I wasn't there when she was kidnapped, when she was taken against her will, raped, as she watched our child and baby die, all on her own. Don't make the same mistake that I did. You have the chance to not make that mistake. Go to your wife. This is my fight. I need revenge. They took my wife, my children. You have yours. They need you. If you lose this baby, she may not forgive you. The kids may be so traumatized that they don't forgive you. And there is no way to know that they will be safe. You stand a better chance at saving them if you are there, not states away. I thought my wife was safe, staying away. I didn't even know she was taken. If you really think that these guys just want you, you are stupid fool. They want to hurt you. They will go after your wife and children first then send you a video make you watch it. Just what they did to me."

Tom said, "God you're right. I remember that day you came in the family meeting. They told you that they didn't want you dead it was better punishment better torture to leave you alive knowing you got them killed. Adam, I got to go."  Adam said, "I will get you there. But I have an idea, just in case you are being watched here." Adam said, "I think you're making the best decision, my guards can protect her, but if they found out, who is to say they wouldn't infiltrate the guards, like they did in prison. Then she would be at risk. Not knowing that one of the guards was bad."  Tom said "Damm it I didn't think of that. I need get there asap"

Damian said, "Hanson, I'm sorry I got you into this. But trust me, I will finish this, I will get those bastards if it's the last thing I do, and you can bring your family home. Go be with your family, and love your wife, tell her every day about how much you love her, kiss her every day, tell those beautiful kids how you adore them."  Tom said, "I will thank you" He hugged him.

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