I began to throw things all around as I tried to look for the injector. It was a device that you could use to input devices into your brain. I kept looking for the device, but I could not find it anywhere. It must be at home.

"Then I will go home!" I declared. I quickly got myself together and grabbed all the things I needed. I placed the device in a container. This was the only prototype, so I needed to be careful.

Once I gathered myself together, I rushed out of the building. I began to run past people, nearly running into one of my coworkers. "What is the rush?!" Kiku called.

"Sorry! Something important came up! I will see you tomorrow!" I laughed. I continuously clicked the elevator button, and he looked confused. He looked like he was going on one of his tour walks. He was new to France...only lived here for a few months. He was a great mechanic and even helped me whenever I needed assistance. He loves to tour the city in his free time, but most times...as usual...things were closed because of the strikes.

Our company endures many strikes from unhappy people. Many did not agree with our way of the use of resources. I admit that this company is involved with much of the polluting...but they pay me a lot of money to make extraordinary things, so I choose to ignore the bad stuff.

As I rushed outside the building, people were striking outside. "Sorry, Excuse me," I spoke, nearly running into another person. "Hey! Watch where you are going!" A man yelled. I turned to look at him, and I felt dumbfounded. So dumbfounded that I stopped running to look at how ridiculous he looked.

He was dressed in a pink dress and holding a megaphone...as people around him had protest signs. Maybe I should consider moving to a different country. He gave me this strange look as if something had clicked in his brain. "Hey..." He spoke. He was about to come closer to me, but I knew I needed to leave. "Sorry, I must go!" I laughed. "HEY! WAIT!" He spoke. I began running away again and ignored the shouts directed toward the building. They were all environmentalists, so it made sense.


Arriving home, I nearly destroyed the place, trying to look for the device. I was in my room, tearing it apart, and found it underneath my bed. "YESSSSS!" I cheered.

"Arthur Kirkland...you are about to make history," I laughed. I placed the device on my bed and began to prepare myself for time travel. This was it!

I was going to show my brothers that working for this company was not all bad.

I wore my leather jacket, jeans, trainers, and warm socks. I tied a bandana around my neck and wore goggles in case of a massive air whip. I wore gloves that helped with friction and felt anxious to start everything.

I should start small...I should go back a few years, not a total jump.

I placed the small A43M device in the gun-like object to inject into my brain. I loved technology...compared to the evolution of older technology. Cellular devices weren't needed because everything could be accessed within your brain.

I held the gun against my temple and took a deep breath as I shot it. The only downside of these devices is they make the user disoriented for a few seconds. I have gotten nauseous from it on a few occasions.

I sat still for a few seconds so my mind could adjust to what had happened. "The hard part is done," I laughed. I began to take out the pocket watch that was pretty much the heart of the whole experiment. It had a button I needed to click when I thought of the place and time.

"Let's go back two years ago, in 2098...right here," I spoke. I closed my eyes and began to think about this particular place, but two years ago. "Right!" I cheered. I pushed the button down, and as expected, I felt this air whip hit my face. I opened my eyes, shocked, and felt my body lifting.

Soon...I began to scream...


I felt utterly terrified as I was flying through...nothing... Everything looked colorful, but there was no physical body anywhere.

My body was thrown around, and I tried to use my arms to protect myself.

"STOP!" I yelled.

Suddenly a portal opened up, and my eyes widened as I saw the floor inching closer to me.

I screamed some more but was shut up once my body was slammed against the hard floor.

I heard the portal close...and I began to gasp for air.

"God..." I gasped.

"I...need...to...work on my landing..." I breathed out.

I slowly stood up, holding my head, and began to look around.

I stood up quickly, and there was nothing around. It made sense; I have not moved in yet. No one lived in the apartment before I arrived.

I looked out the window and saw one of the billboards that always showed the news on the screen. At the bottom...it read 2098.

I did it.

I held onto my heart excitedly and stepped back. This was it...I did it.

"I DID IT!" I yelled out the window. Some people from below looked at me strangely, but I didn't care.

I have invented long range time travel!

I needed to see how far back I could go. I needed to go back and tell everyone!

I quickly set everything up again and prepared to leave this period.

When and where (Fruk) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon