Chapter 8- the plan

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Sorry for the wait❤️ I'm gonna make this chapter a lot longer to make it up to you "readers". I don't really know what to call you haha.
Enjoy 😚
Zoe's POV
Okay so I have recently thought of a "plan" as you would call it. Personally, I wouldn't call it a plan because I'm not physically doing anything, but it's a plan because of the way I am going to act.

The only way I have to escape is to gain their trust. They have to be able to trust me otherwise they won't let me out of the house alone. Wait.. Let me rephrase that.. they won't even let me OUT THE HOUSE. It's like I'm trapped, I'm in the middle of no where as I found out earlier... And it doesn't help that I am starving (note to self; find food).

Anyway.. The plan I have created could affect the boys personally and emotionally if they believe we actually became close but I honestly couldn't care less. They have effected me personally and emotionally by kidnapping me so think of it as.. Revenge.

The plan is split up into 3 stages:

Stage 1: being friendly- this stage involves being kind to the boys, pretending we have similar interests and pretending to be their friend. I will have to use this stage throughout the entire time I'm here in order to earn their trust. (This shall be difficult might I add)

Stage 2: being strange or suspicious- now this stage will also be very amusing for me because they will think I'm planning to escape all the time. But that's exactly what I want them to think. You might be wondering why would I want to act suspicious when I want them to trust me.

Well this is exactly because I want them to think there being too paranoid and too over-protective so if I'm accidentally caught planning something or doing something to do with my plan; they will just brush it off as they will be used to feeling this way.

Stage 3: becoming closer- now with this stage; it involves different techniques with each of the boys.

For example, if I want to be closer with Louis; I could try a few pranks on him or with him and I could be childish and stupid.

If I want to be closer with Liam; I can act sensible around him and help him manage the boys.

If I want to be closer with Harry; I could flirt. That's all I need to do.

Niall; LOVE food. But don't take his favourites or his stash, that way he likes you.. Unless it's digestive biscuits.. They're my favourite so he can hate me for all I care. If I see them, they are mine.

And finally zayn; compliment him. I mean sure.. Everyone loves compliments right? But Zayn is a bit too in love with himself so compliments will work best on him. Let's just say Zayn is vain. So that's basically all we need to do.

Now this stage will help me to become closer with the boys so they will trust me, which is what I need for the plan to work. However the only problem with this plan is that it will take a long time to work to perfection which basically means I will be here a long time... However in my defence; if I didn't do anything, I would be here a lot longer.

I will not start the plan yet, only because I want to make them suffer for a few more days. I will not be nice to them and make them think they are off the hook because I am getting each and everyone one of them where it hurts.

Zayn: steal his mirror

Louis: steal his carrots

Niall: steal his food stash

Liam: steal the toy story 3 movie

And Harry: mess up his curls

You also might be wondering how I know so much about them if I hate them so much. Well believe it or not.. I used to be a big fan of the boys.

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