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Eddie's graduation... Was quite boring for a 6yr old. Reese sat in between Steve and Billy, right in front of Uncle Wayne, waiting as patiently as a 6yr old could. She watched everyone walk across the stage. She watched Eddie inch his way closer to the stage. And finally, when they called Eddie's name all of his friends, Hellfire clubmates, the party, and Uncle Wayne stood up cheering. Not Reese. While she was happy for him she just couldn't cheer like that in a crowd yet. So she giggled, clapped, and waved. Much to Jason's displeasure, Chrissy also stood up and cheered.

Reese smiled as Eddie did exactly as he said he would. Everyone but the principal, the teachers, and some parents laughed at his antics. He had snatched the diploma, flipped Principal Higgins off, and ran like hell out of the gym. After a few moments he came back in laughing and went to his seat. Everytime he caught someone staring at him, he made devil horns and stuck his tongue out at them. He was having way too much fun with this.

Once graduation was over and everyone was leaving, Reese ran to Eddie. "You did it!" Reese said as she hugged him. Eddie smiled and picked her up before looking at their Uncle. "What she said. You did good kid. I'm proud of you. You're as spunky as ever too. That little stunt you pulled..." He chuckled. "You've always been trouble." Uncle Wayne smirked as he picked on Eddie, shaking his head. "Thanks Uncle Wayne. Hey listen, there's something I need to talk to you about.." Eddie said as he placed Reese down.

"RaeRae, head on over to Billy and.." He looked around but all he could see was Billy. The others had went somewhere else. "Go on to Billy." He smiled down at her and she nodded. She ran over to Billy and hugged his leg as she watched Eddie and Uncle Wayne walk outside. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her and lift her up. She looked away from the door to meet Billy's blue eyes.

"You ok Midnight?" Reese nodded. "I think Eddie is talking to Uncle Wayne about us moving." She responded. Billy nodded his head. "I think you're right. But you don't need to worry about that." "I know. I just.. Hope Uncle Wayne's feelings don't get hurt..." "Trust me Midnight, they won't." Reese nodded ok and laid her head on Billy's shoulder. That's when she felt it. She felt like she was being watched. She looked around to find a pair of piercing blue eyes in the crowd glaring at her.

She froze for a second, but then she suddenly felt brave, so she glared back. Jason was obviously surprised, but surprise soon turned to amusement and determination. He had obviously taken her glare as a challenge. That scared her, but she did her best not to show it. Billy carried her outside where she saw Eddie and Uncle Wayne talking by the van. Uncle Wayne looked... Happy?

Billy walked her over to the van. "Hey, you want her to ride with you or us?" Billy asked. "With me. We're gonna swing by the trailer." Eddie smiled and Billy nodded, sitting Reese down next to Eddie. "We'll see you at the house then. You should come by and visit too sir." Billy nodded to Uncle Wayne and smiled politely. "I think I'll have to do that, son." Uncle Wayne smiled back at Billy.

After Billy walked away Reese clumb into the van. Eddie had told Uncle Wayne they'd follow him to the trailer so Uncle Wayne was already getting into his car. Eddie clumb into the driver's seat of the van and smiled at Reese. "He wasn't hurt at all RaeRae. He actually expected this. And he said he'd visit us often." Reese looked over at Eddie. "Really?" "Yeah! He said with not having to work so much, he'll be able to visit us almost as much as he'd like to." Eddie smiled and looked at the road as he started to drive. "We will start working on his room... And the trailer overall... Tomorrow. Shouldn't take us long."

Reese nodded her head then looked at Eddie. "Why can't we start tonight?" Eddie thought for a moment. She was right. What was the difference between starting tonight vs tomorrow night? He had to work tomorrow, so technically they would be starting around the same time as they would be today.

Mini Freak Munson(Eddie Munson Fic) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें