Chapter 1.2 - "Freaks" (Erik POV)

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Slap... slap... slap... slap...

I gripped the bars of the cage, biting down on my lower lip.

"You, pathetic freak, cost us profit!" My master screamed at me between slaps from his whip on my bare back.

I didn't ask for that girl to interrupt the show, but I am grateful. Nobody ever sees or feels my pain, and even if they do, no empathy is ever shown to me. Yet that girl, emotions... same age as me or maybe younger, did. She took it upon herself to come to my rescue.

When my master went to hit her, I did jump in the way. I couldn't see her get hurt for her bravery and kindness... she couldn't be punished like me.

The slapping from the whip seemed to stop, followed by the firm kick to my back that forced me to fall to the floor of the cage I was locked in between "performances."

"Damn freak," My master, Gilles André, spit onto me before hearing the large bang of the cage door and the steel lock shut.

When I knew my master was a good distance away, I finally allowed myself to weep from the pain. It's been six years since my mother abandoned me at the circus in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. I was adopted into the circus, given a home, given bread, given livelihood... at least that's what my masters would tell me and the other freaks of the travelling circus. The difference between the others here and myself is they all chose to be here or if forced here have accepted this as their life, and dare I say, sanctuary. I didn't.

However, as the years went on, I began to give up any hopes for a different life and accepted that this life here in the circus would be all I have. It didn't mean I was free from my emotions... I am 12 years old... I still feel things as the many children who visit the circus feel.

After about an hour, I sat up finding my dirty shirt. I buttoned it back on before turning my attention to the night sky. It was a clear night, everything well illuminated by the stars and halfmoon.

I found my mind wandering and thinking back to that girl. I was appreciative, but why did she feel so passionate about stopping the show and trying to help me?

"Who are you... what is that you view... wish to undo? Am I someone worth attending to? wish I knew...? I simply wish I could pursue... what is it that you see me through?" I spoke to myself as I felt myself grow tired only to be awaken by rattling of chains.

I looked up and standing at my cage door was a stranger. He looked kind, but he didn't speak. He reached through the bar holding out a piece of paper to me. I reached and grabbed it. I opened it up to see words scribbled on it. Nobody has ever taught me to read, but I have managed to pick up on learning to read some things.

"I am here to..." I paused looking at the word I didn't recognize, but attempted to figure it out, "help you to..." in the middle of my reading, I was surprised to see the man break open the lock causing the cage door to swing open. I looked at the man in shock as he reached and grabbed my arm.

I resisted at first, but one look at his eyes reminded me of the girl earlier that night. He was there to help. I trusted him to lead me away. The alternative if we're caught is maybe my miserable life will be put to an end.

I watched as he silently guided me down dark paths. Soon dirt under my bare feet turned to stone and brick as we reached the street. I watched as the setting around me turned grander.

Then I was in awe at the site in front of me. A massive building with a dome roof. It was a majestic site. The man continued to drag me across the street quickly before opening a metal grate and lifting me down into it.

"Sir... ?" Finally, I found the courage to speak. He put a finger to his lip before signaling to the right. I turned my head and looked in the direction at the down hill path that was there. When I turned my head to look back to him, he was gone vanishing down the street already. I took the liberty to carefully walk down the path he signaled.

It was dark, yet my eyes adjusted well to the darkness and oddly found comfort within the shadows. I heard a metal gate and turned my head to see a passageway open up. I took the path as it shuttered close behind me.

I climbed up the passage that soon opened up into a large room. The room featured furniture covered in fabrics. I climbed down some stairs and removed a piece of fabric from one of the largest pieces of furniture.

What unveiled itself was a thing of beauty. Large pipes extended up to the ceiling and rows of black and white keys. I moved to sit on the bench before pressing the buttons.

I was shocked by the loud singing of the machine. I pressed more keys as they mashed together creating a beautiful song.

I was surprised when I heard clapping. I turned around, and it was the man who helped me escape. I climbed off of the bench looking at him as he didn't say anything. He handed me another piece of paper upon approach.

"I can't read... I'm guessing you can't talk..."I spoke taking the piece of paper. He pointed to his throat and nodded. I nodded and unfolded the note to see if I could read any of it.

"Safe... rest..." I recognized two words even if they were foreign to me. He signaled around him and tried to lip a word. I recognized it though.


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