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MY NAME is Valentina Lovegood, spirit of love and guardian of love, also known as Cupid. Over 300 years ago, I died and was reborn as who I am today. Manny, the Man in Moon, chose me as a guardian 150 years ago which also led to Tooth giving me my memories back.

Every day, I work and help people fall in love all over the world. Yes, kids believe in me, meaning I had to hide behind something when shooting my victims. I can shoot out blasts of love or in danger my wings, that could retract inside my back, can shoot our feathers that turned into daggers.

I lived up in the clouds but at the moment I was in a city, sitting on the roof of a tall building, blasting a couple of lovebirds that I thought compatible. I lifted my head up to the sky, suddenly seeing the Northern Lights. I sighed knowing there was a problem. I stood up, flying up and toward the lights.

I flew in by the opening in the roof, landing in the middle of the main room of the workshop. Bunny and Tooth were already here, she was mumbling and talking with her small, cute fairies.

"Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?" North offered and then looked at me who was landing down. "Valentina!"

"What's the call for, North?" I exhaled, retracting my wings slowly into my back.

"Something important." He answered before Bunny spoke up, painting an egg.

"This better be good, North." He grumbled.

"Sandy! Thank you for coming." He opened his arms in confusion as he couldn't talk. "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious! The boogeyman was here! At the Pole!"

"Huh! Pitch? Pitch Black? Here?" Tooth gasped, and her fairies stopped talking.

"Yes... There was black sand covering the globe." The bearded man wiggled his fingers around.

"What do you mean, 'black sand'?" I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my arms.

"And then - a shadow!" The Russian continued.

"Hold on, hold on- I thought you said you saw Pitch!" Bunny scoffed, holding a blue Easter egg.

"Well, uh, not exactly..." He scratched the back of his head.

"Not exactly?! Can you believe this guy?" Sandy responded in a question mark. "Yeah, you said it Sandy."

"Look, he's up to something very bad. I feel it... in my belly!" North shook his stomach with both his hands.

"Hang on, hang on- Y-you mean to say, you summoned me here 3 days before Easter, because of your belly?! Mate, if I did this to you 3 days before Christmas-" The rabbit pointed his paint brush at Santa and just rolled my eyes, going over to the slowly spinning globe, observing the lights.

"Please, Bunny, Easter is not Christmas!" I drowned out their arguing while growing out my wings and continuing to brush my feathers.

Then I heard a bell ring and shake behind. We all looked at Sand Man who held an elf in his hand. He created a crescent moon shape and pointed at Manny. We all turned to him.

"Ah! Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?" North chuckled, and he blew sand out his ears angrily. "It's been a long time, old friend! What is big news?"

He shined brightly at the circle shape in the ground before a shadow of Pitch was created on the ground. I widened my eyes with a quiet gasp.

"It is Pitch..." Bunny admitted he was right, and he pat his tummy.

"Manny, what must we do?" The Russian asked him. The hole in the floor opened, and a tall crystal came out.

"A new guardian." I stated.

"What?! Why?" Bunny shouted in disbelief.

"Must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help." Santa shrugged his shoulders as we watched the crystal glow.

"Since when do we need help?" The grey animal scoffed annoyed.

"I wonder who it's gonna be?" Tooth wondered and Sandy guessed with a four leaf clover. "Maybe the Leprechaun?"

"Please not the Groundhog, please not the groundhog..." Bunny chanted in hope silently from beside. Suddenly a human figure was presented before us.

"Jack Frost." North announced, and I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Uh, I take it back. The Groundhog's fine." The Easter Bunny gagged.

"Well as long he helps to protect the children, right?" The Fairy asked.

"Jack Frost!? He- He doesn't care about children! A'ight, all he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts! Alright? He's an irresponsible, selfish-"

"Guardian." The bearded man said, considering and thinking about it.

"Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian." Bunny shook his head. I didn't say anything, if we need help we need help.

Did I forget to mention that Jack Frost used to be my best friend before he disappeared two centuries ago? I didn't even bother looking for him, if he didn't want to talk to me anymore than that was his choice, but I guess I was still angry about it. Though, I had to put that aside for the children.

─── · .゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. · ───

North, Tooth, Sandy, Bunny and I waited for Jack to arrive when I glanced at the Russian, arms crossed over my chest. "You sure this is a good idea, North?"

"Yes, oh here he comes! Shh, Val." He put a finger to his lips as a portal was opened, and a sack was thrown through it and the two Yeti's came out. "Hey...! There he is! Jack Frost!"

"Wow... You gotta be kidding me." Jack sat up, leaving only his legs still in the bag before the Yeti's hoisted him up. "Hey, hey! Put me down!"

He was dropped on his feet and his eyes locked with mine. His expression was full of regret and something else I couldn't find. Our moment, or whatever, was interrupted by Santa.

"I hope the Yetis treated you well?" North questioned.

"Oh yeah, I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." Frost chuckled sarcastically, picking back up his stick and throwing his over his shoulder.

"Oh. Good! That was my idea. So, you know Valentina." He gestured to me.

"Y-yeah." He nodded stiffly.

"You know Bunny, obviously." Bunny mumbled, looking at his paws while leaning on the pillar.


"And the Tooth Fairy-"

"Hello Jack! I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!" Tooth squealed flying in front of him before floating back to her spot.

"My- my what?"

"And Sandman. Sandy? Sandy? Wake up!" The bearded man yelled,

"Hey! Woah! Anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?" Jack suggested with fake excitement and Sandy began creating very confusing images above his head.

"Uh, eh- the- that's not really helping, but- but thanks little man." He thanked before turning around and walking around.

"I must've done something really bad to get you five together." He swung his staff by, freezing an elf. "Wha-? Am I on the Naughty List?"

"Hah! On Naughty List? You hold record." North laughed fakely. "But! No matter, we overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate."

"How come?"

"Hah, good question." Bunny snickered in the corner.

"How come? I tell you how come! Because now, you are Guardian!"

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