(*after everyone checked around for the code*)

(*5 minutes later*)

(*Sky finds a paper under her teams vault and pulls it out*)

Sky: hey team, I think I found the code to our vault!

Bob: well, what are you waiting for, open the vault sky!

(*Sky uses the code on the vault and she opens the vault perfectly*)

Scout: thank god you guys saved me, I was getting hungry in there, and I was just about to eat whatever was inside of this bag.

Sniper: good job, now we can go to the bank and rob it!

(*the geometrical cubes make a run for it*)

Tord: wait, if their code was under their vault, then does that mean?

(*Tord sees the code under his teams vault and unlocks the vault with the code*)

Skid: thank you guys!

Tord: yeah, yeah, whatever, there's the tools, let's go to the bank and make it before the geometrical cubes make it.

(*the spooky skeletons runs off*)

(*when the geometrical cubes got to the bank*)

Java: welcome to the bank geometrical cubes, your bank teller will be here soon and you guys will practice saying you want all the money in the bank.

(*Java disappears with a smokebomb*)

(*5 minutes later*)

(*the bank teller appears*)

Bob: oh, they're here.

Sky: ok, I got it.

(*Sky puts on the mask and grabs the bag*)

Sky: good afternoon bank teller, what some nice legs you have, but right now I want to see your hands filling this bag with all the money here.

??????: anything else I can do for you today?

(*the bank teller removes their wig*)

(*the bank teller removes their wig*)

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Sayori: Sky?

The geometrical cubes: Sayori!?

(*the spooky skeletons reach the bank*)

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