Halloween Special(Pt 2.)

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"HOLY SHIT" Reginald screamed turning the wheel and the car slid to a stop RHM Was gripping his chest and the seat he gripped it to hard he ripped it Henry was in the back probably unconscious or dead Ethier way they were all confused Reginald got out of the car RHM got out of the car and picked henry up and leaned him against the car and he grabbed his hat and waved it in Henry's face to cool him down Meanwhile Reginald saw something "Hello... What is this.." Reginald grabbed the note that was in a tree trunk he unfolded it Reginald blinked "RHM!" Reginald yelled RHM put Henry in the car for him to collect himself he ran to Reginald "What is it?"

Reginald showed RHM the note he found RHM grabbed the note and read it "Dear Reader/Victim I've come to warn you there's something out in the woods i left this note in the tree trunk
Anonymous" Reginald blinked and looked at the woods Reginald smirked
And looked at RHM "If your thinking about fucking me Right now I'll drop kick your ass" RHM said Reginald frowned "I don't normally like things like this but... it's interesting to say the least But-" Something flew against them and hit the windshield Reginald and RHM stood in fear Reginald looked at RHM he fell backwards clutched his heart "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!"
Reginald looked at the windshield
'It's a knife..?' Reginald thought.

"A knife?! who threw that to begin with?!" RHM Was freaking out Henry was about to get out of the car until RHM ran into Henry pushing him back
Henry was confused RHM closed the door fast and hugged Henry shaking
"Why you shaking lil bro?" RHM stuttered Reginald opened the car door and gave Henry the note he found Henry had one arm around RHM and he grabbed the note with his other hand Reginald got into the car with Henry and RHM "What the hell..?" Henry was confused and looked at the windshield saw the knife "Who threw that?" Reginald looked and shurgged

The trio was in the car confused frighten and not even close to the party
Maybe they could Investigate or they could find a different way to the party
They were going to but we dont know

(Let me know what path they should take)                                                          

I'm gonna end it here because pt.3
Is gonna be a choice game so i won't make it until i get the path they gonna take anyways yes sorry it's late

Copperight Stories(Some other Background ships And Adventures DISCONTINUED Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ