Ch 1: Will

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All summer since the Byers moved back from California, Mike and El have been inseparable. Always holding hands and giggling, while from afar Will watches wistfully, wishing that it was him with Mike instead. Will had spent a good amount of time day dreaming about what life might be like if that ever did happen, but he knew it never would. El was Mikes girlfriend, and it'll always be that way,

"Soooo, what do you guys want to do? We could go the mall, or arcade?" Said Max, "How about we just hang in Mikes basement tonight!" Lucas replied. "Yeah, and whoever wants to sleepover can, too. Nancy's on some reporting trip and my parents are having dinner at a friends house," Mike suggested.

As soon as Mike uttered those words, Will knew tonight would be weird for him. The last sleepover that they had, they almost lost each other just because Will lashed out at Mike (season 3 fight). Plus, he didn't want to watch him and El share the couch.

Later that night, after hours of playing games and watching a couple movies, everyone was ready to turn in for the night. Just as Will expected, Mike and El were sharing one of the couches with Lucas and Max sharing the other, while him and Dustin had sleeping bags on the floor.

"Night guys," said Will, everyone returned with a series of "night"'s and in about 5 minutes, everyone was out cold. Everyone except for Will, that is, or so it seemed.

Will tried for a while, but sleep seemed so desperate to avoid him that night. Instead, he was thinking about the times that him and Mike used to be genuine best friends. Now, all of that tossed in a ditch just so he can swap spit with a girl. He knew El wasn't just some girl though, she's special and everyone, including Will, loved her. He just wished Mike loved her a little less. Crazy together, yeah right. As Will stared at the dark ceiling, slowly his vision became more and more blacked out, until he too, was fast asleep.

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