Part 5: Aftermath (Part 1)

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Both teams went to the chill rooms from all the way back in part 2. This time, we'll watch the Cooperative Carrots.

There was silence in the entire room. Either they were asleep, or they just didn't want to talk. "..." this, "..." that, "Zzzzzz..." over there. Finally somebody spoke up. "Why did you call us the Cooperative Carrots?" Sheldon asked to Ember and Barry. "Carrots good.." Barry didn't talk about anything but food. "Also because carrots are orange, we're team orange, and we're cooperative," Ember answered more meaningfully, "You think we won, Sheldon?" "Nah. That Gardevoir's Unite Move..." He sucked his teeth. "That took all of us - even Zapdos! - out. That gave them more than enough time to score their by butts off. No way we won," Sheldon answered quite pitifully. "So, now what? I mean, we got a lot of time before all of the scores are counted," Cameron said. "Might as well wait. I mean, we can go anywhere without Drew," said Ember. The problem with Drew is that he fell asleep. Then the intercom came on once again saying, "WILL THE 2 TEAMS LISTEN PLEASE? THE WINNING TEAM WAS..." 

Stay tuned for part 6!

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