Chapter 15 | Words

Start from the beginning

"Since I was 7."

"You started eleven years ago?" Martin asks, surprised.

I burst out a small chuckle. A small change that I forget to mention. "I'm 22. I started fifteen years ago, not eleven."

Martin looks taken back a bit. "A-Aren't you 18, sir?"

I let my hand off the door. "There's no good truths in a manufactured system, Martin." I send him a cold smile. "You'll see in couple a months."

He's going to be in hell with that guy. I let myself breathe before I just wait to see Jaylin.


I reach to Jaylin's room.

I see Asher sleeping with his head back against the window, with his mouth wide open. And Theo sitting beside him reading a book.

I ignore both of them for a second and go to the side of Jaylin's bed. I look down at her, glancing at all the machines and monitors that are connected to her, barely keeping her alive at the bare minimum.

I take my hand out of my pocket and I gently bring it to her face, using the back of my hand and softly touching her cheek, gently rubbing the back of my hand on her soft warm cheeks. The edge of my mouth slowly rises, missing her eyes to open. I move her hair out of her face for her, stroking her hair as the sounds of the heart monitor beeps and the oxygen that flows into her mouth.

I brush my hand against her cheek, feeling the warmth that touches my hand. Reminding the coldness that I felt across her body back at Rayne's house.

I look down her arm, to her hand, and see it facing palm up. My hand traces down her arm, past the needle in her arm, to her wrist, and to her hand.

I grasp it with my hand and feel the impeccable of her hand fitting into my hand. I look at it like its the most beautiful thing to see.

Then suddenly I hear a snore. I look up and see that idiot, sleeping with his mouth fucking open. "Motherfucker..."

I see gloves on the wall. I put on one and I walk over to Asher, watching him enjoy his sleep when he's supposed to be watching her. Theo moves all the way over to the other side and continues to read his book

"Time to wake up, motherfucker."

I stick my hand into his mouth, to his throat. He gags and jumps up, gasping for air and his hands launch out, reaching for something like he entered a new universe. His eyes spring up with water until he makes eye contact with me.

He fixes his posture as I scowl at him. "Sorry, I thought you were a patient since you seemed to sleep so peacefully," I take off the glove and throw at his face.

"Sorry." he pulls down the glove off his face, wiping his drool off his mouth.

I move to sit down, he moves over close to the wall as I sit and lean back. "You couldn't have waked me?!" he whispers ragingly to Theo.

"You seemed to slept too well to be waked with that mouth open of yours." I say, crossing my arms.


"Shithead..." I mutter.

Now the room was filled with the silence of her machines and monitors beeping, over and over. It was filled with her silence as the rest of us just listen to that silence.

"But Andrew..." Asher starts to speak. Always fucking talking.


"Why'd you stick your hand in my mouth?" I could almost see him blush through my closed eyes, asking me that.

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