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Hello! I've got nothing to do right now so I decided to TRY to make ya'll's day!

Quick note: I will definitely TRY to make each chapter at least 700 words long.

Key word is try lol.

Well, I guess I should get to the story!

Comment, vote, and most importantly, Enjoy the chapter!


Wylie ended the call as soon as Sophie was about to ask what was going on.

All Sophie knew was that she should probably get to the healing center fast enough before Biana ended up giving someone a makeover or covering something in sparkles.

Hopefully it wasn't Keefe.

Wait-did Biana still like Keefe?

If she did, Sophie was a horrible friend...


After getting the hail from Wylie, Sophie ran through the pastures to ask permission from Edaline and Grady if she could go to Foxfire.

 "You want to go to school early? But it is the weekend!" Grady joked.

Sophie rolled her eyes. She had been doing that a lot lately, and that made her wonder how her eyes hadn't stuck to the back of her head yet. "Ha-ha. I'm going to the Healing Center."

"News on that boy?"


Thankfully, Edaline jumped into action. "Grady, dear, let Sophie check in. I'm sure her friends will be there."

"Yup, they are," Sophie nodded in thanks to Edaline, and ignored the smirk she was pulling off. Edaline and Keefe are acting weirdly alike. 


All Sophie knew is that she wouldn't be able to live with another Keefe, even if they had awesome hair as well. But Keefe was one of a kind.


Sophie was at the Healing Center, and was surprised to see Tam and Biana sitting on a cot together. HOLDING HANDS.

Actually, come to think of it, it made a ton of sense that Biana squealed and then shadows took over. Tam must've been extremely embarrassed.

You ARE telling me what happened later. Sophie transmitted to Biana.

Ugh, fine. But that means you are telling me what happened as well.

What do you mean? Sophie tried pulling the confused act.

Oh, you know perfectly well what I mean. Biana smirked.


Abandoning her thought, Sophie looked around the room, and was shocked to see Keefe drawing on his bed. It was in his gold notebook, and Sophie never knew why he would never tell her what it was categorized.

Sophie rushed over to his side once Keefe looked up.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? When did you wake up? Did Elwin tell you that you could leave? Should you be active right now?" Sophie spammed him with questions.

"Whoaaaa there Foster, your emotions are wafting a heavy feeling right now."

"Does that mean your empathy is working?"

"Yeah, Elwin checked my handsome self out and gave me a lot of vials with goo in them. Almost had myself a barf fest. Apparently, the human water that I was drinking affected me a little bit, but it's all back to normal."

"Thanks goodness," Sophie muttered under her breath.

Sophie imagined Keefe drinking out of a stream, collecting all of the bacteria. Hopefully he didn't actually drink out of a stream, but Sophie would never know.

"I missed you."

"Same. Even though it's only been a day, Foster. Although I assume you could get away from this hunk."

"Yeahhhh, totally," Sophie punched Keefe in a playful way, blushing when she earned one of his famous smirks.

Just then, Elwin came strolling through the room. "Hey Keefe, you can go home tonight, unless you want to stay at my place."

"Okay, thanks, but I was hoping I could go back to Foster's house. Is that okay? I kinda want to search the void for a little while."

Sophie nodded, "Sure! I'll tell Edaline. Maybe we'll could hang out in the space."

Once again, Sophie scored a smirk.

Someone cleared their voice. "Um, what's the space?"

Sophie turned around hoping to see Dex or Marella. 

But it was Fitz.


Hello! How'd you like it??? I am probably going to finish up this-uh-problem with Fitz.... And then the convo with Biana. DRAMMMMAAAAAAA


It would mean so much to me if you voted. If not, I understand! Have a great rest of your day wherever you are! ❤️❤️❤️

(And yes, I realize that I only have  699 words, but I thought it was a nice place to stop and because it was so close:)

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