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Kimora looked at herself in her full-length mirror. Already annoyed with the number of outfits she tossed to the side searching for something appropriate. She settled with her white one strap bodysuit and long bright pink skirt. The outfit was cute and simple sure to save her from another unwanted lecture. Kimora didn't want to hear Verniece Falcon's mouth. about how she came dressed. The same woman who gave her her fashion sense was now telling her to stop wearing less and covering up more and why? The summer is just starting. Kimora had the winter months to worry about covering up. She's 27 no kids zero stretch marks in sight, tummy flat flat,  tittys still standing and her grown woman body was finally fully filled out. she wasn't Verniece and Greg's bony daughter anymore ,baby had body! And Kimora planned to show her body for however long she was still blessed with it. 

'It's not what you're wearing, it's where you're wearing it'  Verniece tried stressing to her daughter Sunday after Sunday. 'You're going to give your father a heart attack." Her mothers words from last week echoed through her brain. 'coming in here dressed like some working girl.'

"You look fine." Jamison reassured her after coming into their bedroom to see her looking at herself in the mirror again. 

'Please don't change please don't change' He silently begged. 

"I look like I'm going to church" Kimora pouted. She wanted to change.

"Didn't you wear that to brunch with the girls not too long ago? "The top was different then, but he could remember her coming home drunk in it cause her and the girls were litt  . Now it was giving church?

Jamison stepped behind his lady swooping her waist length knotless braids to the side." you look amazing!" As she always did "besides, it's dinner with your parents it should be a bit..." he paused in search for the correct word "tame?"

"Jay that's the thing" she caught herself about to shout. "Why police what I'm wearing for a Sunday dinner what's with the switch?" That's what had Kimora so resistant to her mothers' newfound rules, They seemed to come out the crack of Verniece's pretty little ass one morning and she expected everyone else to flow with it. 

"We never even did Sunday dinners." 

Sunday dinners was very new in the Falcon home. All her life Kimora took her freshly ordered take out to her bedroom. The new tradition was something her father requested just a little over a month ago. Gregory declared he wanted to have dinner together every Sunday as a family, like his mother always did when he was growing up. Right away Kimora was on board. But when her mother demanded she tone down her wardrobe and start coming dressed in her Sunday's best Kimora began to grow a disliking for going at all.

"Isn't it just easier to not fight it though?" That was Jay. He didn't live for conflict and went with the flow witch ever was easier for the moment. In the beginning of their relationship Kimora loved it. Jay's keep the peace moto always suited her wants and needs but now he was in the impress your family stage. 

"Can't always have that ass out babe" 'Jamison chuckled giving Kimora's ass a light tap "it'll be three hours tops with great food , I don't see the issue "

Food she doesn't even cook! Kimora thought as her man kissed her cheek before leaving the room again.


The incoming text coming thru instantly got her attention

Tammy Tam💕😘

Office 8 tonight

That was it. After nearly two weeks with zero communication here he comes texting at 4:pm demanding her presence at 8? No I miss you. no reaction to any of her text or image attachments she sent showing him just how much she missed and longed to be in his arms again.

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