[2] Leaves of Autumn

Start from the beginning

            I was on my way out of the school when I heard a guitar playing followed by a voice.

            “...pack up all my things and get my ass out of town.  We got it good, whether you like this town or not.  I know its small but with a big head it’s bound to get hot in the summer but the summer is a bummer if you can’t leave, this pathetic excuse for a town.  That holds all your memories.  A lifetime of crushes and your broken dreams.  To be anywhere but here.  But baby any wife is a wife for me.”

            I walked around the corner in the direction the voice was coming.  The song was familiar.  It sounded like lyrics from Big City Dreams by Never Shout Never.  My eyes wandered over Oliver, strumming a guitar and singing.  This small town boy has a talent.

            He opened his eyes and looked at me, still playing his guitar.          

            I opened my mouth to speak but a hand came on my shoulder.  I looked back to see the hand belonged to Jordan.  He was staring at Oliver in a look of disgust.  “Come on Cece.”

            Oliver gave me a disappointed smile and continued playing.

            I followed Jordan, Oliver’s music fading in the background as we went further and further away. 

            “You don’t like Oliver?” I more stated than asked.

            He shook his head anyway.

            “What’s wrong with him?”

            Jordan took in a big breath.  “Oliver... he... he let a lot of people down.”

            “How so?”

            Jordan shook his head.  “It’s in the past.  Just listen to me, he’s bad news.  Stay away from him.”

            Jordan stared into my eyes with a determined look.  His eyes...

            Suddenly Oliver’s eyes came into my mind.  Oliver and Jordan’s eyes looked exactly the same just with a different colour.

            “What’s your last name Jordan?” I asked.          

            “What’s yours?”



            I nodded.  “Okay.”

            “Can we go now?” Jordan asked.

            I nodded.

            He casually took hold of my hand.

            “So what exactly is good about this lake?”

            “Lake Gloria?  Well, not many people go there except the school kids.  Parties are often held there too.  Mostly it’s just a really nice looking scenery, but also it’s a good place to hang out.  It has trees for shade on sunny days and it has a wide meadow for parties.

            “Oh okay.”

            “You’ll get used to the idea eventually.”

            He said it like I’d be around often.  And I liked that idea.

            Lake Gloria.  The lake that the town was named after.  Jordan sure was right about one thing, the scenery was breathtaking.

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