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An array of bridges, balconies or what can even be described as walkways are shown in a large well lit building making it look almost like a shopping centre. It's filled with only a few very busy people and finding someone lazing around would be quite the challenge. This is one of the many bunkers. A quite advanced safety tool used in case of emergency. This one is mostly empty, why? Well the world is at peace. Perfectly at peace at the moment. The one most beauty pageant contestants dream of. The only challenge man faces is their own lack of desire to work.

These people who lack the desire to become a functional member a society are restrained and kept in some type of prison dependent on their crimes. Of course not having a job isn't a crime, but without a job there is no income and other ways of making money need to be found, for example this man here:

A man is running away from a store clasping what looks to be maybe a tablet or laptop. He sprints around corners dodging onlookers who dare not even try to stop him. He swoops around one last turn and is grabbed by his leg. Now dangling on his left leg from the grasp of a Mech.

Mech, what is a mech? Not those big one's controled by one or multiple pilots. The word Mech in this world is a lazy way to say mechanism and Mechs are mechanisms. A Mechanism is a machine with human intelligence. They help humanity with little tasks and such and their origin remains a blur.

As the earlier man hangs from the grasp of the Mech he is suddenly and surprisingly torn away, a splatter of blood covers the nearby pedestrians who watch in horror. The mech's arm is destroyed, a piece of machinery capable of tearing steel apart is destroyed in a flash. By what exactly, what is capable of such an immense act of destruction. Truth being, no one knows what stands before them, this inhumane creature. Humanity faces a threat today that it cannot comprehend. The mech finally reacts to its missing arm and attempts to subdued the massive creature, but fails miserably as the creature claws through the Mech like butter leaving only scrap on the ground.

In the face of humanity stares this creature. It stands roughly eight meters tall walking on its two front legs as its tail trails along behind it. Beneath its dark blue fur its skin is lined with blue pulsating veins. Its eyes burn away on its skull face which looks similar to the head of a deer. It has no name that humanity could give it before they were erased from the face of the earth by it. Simply, a monster.

The front of its face and chest is covered in the blood of the man it killed as it faces its head to the sky swallowing down the last bits of him

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The front of its face and chest is covered in the blood of the man it killed as it faces its head to the sky swallowing down the last bits of him.

The surrounding people have gone into a frenzy. Running for their lives making an absolute ruckus. It's a meaningless panic as the world is filled with these monsters. Origin, even more in mystery than that of the mechs. Not one is the same as the last, another similarity shared with mechs. Each on is its own unique monstrous creature. One has long limbs and is entirely hairless other than something of a beard as it stands on four legs that each have hooves at the feet and the most horrifying part is the humanlike face staring blankly at the humans in a frenzy as it plucks them up with its teeth and swallows them down. Another has many limbs covering its body, its skin is replaced by white scales and it walks on small paw-like limbs beneath its body. The chaos created by the people running and screaming for their lives further agravate the monsters who tear through them like mowing a lawn. Explosions of blood and guts fly as the monsters maul the helpless people.

Mechalypse: DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now